Point of Sale Software

Your Last chance to get an invoice before the 30th June?


Is this question you should be discussing with some of your clients? 

The converse may be of importance too. What if you delay sending invoices until after 30th June. This may mean you will have an obligation to pay the tax owing on these invoices in the next financial year.

It would help if you talked to your accountant now.

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What do you think of Fraudulent Misrepresentation?



Have a read of this paragraph.

I have 1700+ newsagency clients..... I am the biggest supplier to newsagents... I am the market leader....

If I said this, would you not think I would have an obligation and responsibility to provide evidence for my claim! I would say *YES*.  What do you think? 

It is called the burden of proof. Click for details. 

If it is not done, why do you think of my statements?

Furthermore, please consider that if I responded to a claim made by someone else like this and my response was censored. That publishing of it was refused when I queried it. Do you think these secret and hidden censorship actions are legal? Do you think it's right or proper? 

Surely if censored the correct way of handling it as Google does, see the example above. Another example would be that the Federal Court ruled that ISPs should block many sites. So they block them, but you notified that they are blocked when you try to go to them.

Tell me what you think?

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Does your POS Software give you your stats in real-time?


Our Point Of Sale Software gives you all the stats in real-time now instantly!

What is happening?

What your staff are doing?

What your customers are buying?

How much profit are you making now?

Info like this is what modern stores need.

With our point of sale software, you can instantly find out these questions and much more. Here I will show you how to set up and use your location dashboard in your shop.

This form of analysis is Same-store sales. Every major retailer uses it that I know.

Here I will show you how our system can do it.

In a shop, each part of your shop has different value to the business. On the front, a product to justify itself needs outstanding sales. While in the back, often much lower sales results are acceptable. So what professional marketers do is set a budget for each area of the shop. Then they compare usually monthly sales in that area. Anything dramatically up and down raises flags.

So let us do it!

First, we set it up.

Look around your shop and divide the shop into locations.

Generally, a shop is divided into departments already. As this is logical I suggest using the departments.

Now check that your stock has location entered. If not, do not worry. It is easy to do.

Go to stock systems> stock editing> stock level editing.

Give all your stock a suitable location.

For each location, you adopt, calculate the area it takes up, which is simple to do by pacing it out. Now decide what weekly budget you would like for each location to have. This the end of day figures will tell you.

Now go to system maintenance> Dissection maintenance > Location

Put in the location and give it a weekly budget.

Now when you go to register reports>stock>weekly location targets.

You will get a detailed report full of comparisons for each location.

This is something you can use.

Put an end to guessing in your business and make fact-based decisions.

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Windows 11: Three features that will excite our users



It was funny last night. Microsoft goes on about what a great cloud provider they are, and their presentation on Windows went down. So most of us to listen to their presentation went to youtube (Google) to listen to this presentation. 

Anyway, as I stated, Windows 11 is coming, late 2021. For many of our users, on Windows 10, the switch will be free. I would suggest that our users remain on Windows 10 till Microsoft bed down the product. If all goes well, I expect that most organisations will start to switch over about 3 to 6 months later. It all takes time. 

The good news is that it is faster. It will load and display faster. I particularly liked the new Direct Storage, allowing us to upload to the graphic card directly. This will give us shorter load times and instant graphics. Soon you will have less waiting for our software to load. 

The graphics are better so we should be able to make clearer screens. This will be a big plus for people who have poor eyesight. 

The other exciting point is that we will be able to load Android apps into our software directly. This will help a lot with our growing integration with smartphones and tablets. Imagine soon you will just be able to find a product in Google Play and then just using it in our software.

They also have added an improved voice to computer text. I am not sure whether we will drop dragon speak yet. This is important as our system is the only one in our marketplace that I know used by people in the MS community. I will get back to you about this.

Overall it's good news, and many of our clients and we cannot wait to check it out.

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Some tips on doing a stocktake.



No matter how accurate you keep control of your stock, manual stock counts are a must for any business. These stock counts verify your system. Besides giving you a verified figure for the ATO, it allows you to investigate discrepancies. 

Here are my top tips so you can have a smooth and successful stocktake.

Have as much as possible worked out in advance. For example, do you have access to detailed records of your inventory first? Questions will come about while going through your stock, and you will need a quick answer. 

Also, what are you going to do about damaged goods? They need to be divided into write-off, discountable and return to supplier.

Decide how you will count? 

I suggest you count from bottom to top, left to right. 

Each staff member should have a place marker to mark what they have counted. This helps people missing stuff. While counting, why not check the pricing too? Often, you can clean too while items are being removed and counted.

Now have a backup at the start in case. Do backups a few times during the stocktake. If something goes wrong, you may not lose all your work.

If possible, count everything. Be aware that sometimes you will need to estimate. Once, I had to count a big pile of underwear, I got about 50, and my supervisor said there should have been 55. we wrote down 52.

In the end, do a backup again. We have had people enter everything in. Someone not knowing what to do pressed the wrong button and wrecked all the figures. This stocktake had to be redone.

Once the stock is counted, the next step will be to process and analyse the information gathered. This will be the subject of another post.

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Windows 11 is coming, what in it for you?


Windows 11 looks all but inevitable. It is expected that it will be announced at the Microsoft Windows Event tomorrow at 1 am tonight.

If you want to watch the LIVE stream, click here. I will be watching.

That a new version of Windows was coming was a surprise. With Windows 10, Microsoft was adamant that Windows 10 would be the last version of Windows. Now it announced that Windows 10 would be supported till 2025. If you are wondering what your Microsoft product's status is, you can find your answer here.

What is the situation with Windows 11, I can only guess. If it moves forward like Windows 10, we will soon get an official trial version to test very soon? We and just about everyone else as a result of the leak now have a Windows 11 developer version. What we did notice that it ran faster than Windows 10. Although there is more to this, this alone is a critical point for us. Soon more advanced copies will come as time goes along. Sometime in October, it will be mass released unless something goes terribly wrong. Then we expect that some people will be able to update free to the latest copies of Windows for a limited time. But it will only be after a few months that manufacturers of computer and components will release their new firmware and drivers to run on the latest version of Windows. Some equipment we will be told they are dumping. This last bit has always been the major problem for us, as many people switching to the newest version of Windows suddenly discover that much of their equipment no longer works and/or their equipment does weird things, etc. Then a significant upgrade of Windows is released, which is mainly a bug fix. It takes time before things are worked out.

Almost certainly, more information will be released tonight.

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See this Webinar on your End of Financial year reporting


Click here for a webinar on End of the Financial year reporting from your point of sale software. It discusses in detail

Sales reports
Stock Valuation (you will need to do this after your stocktake)
Customers Outstanding
Creditors Outstanding
Subagents Outstanding (use only if applicable)

Although not required from our software, I do recommend that you do make a special End of Year Backup to store in case you need to refer to it. The 30/June this year is Wednesday.


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This is the most common error we find in profit calculations.


What tends to happen here is that a person rings us up and announces that somehow their figures do not add up. As a rule here, our system will say something that does not add up with the accountant.

Okay, this invariably is what has happened. Note the steps that cause the error. Like many problematic errors, every step along the way is correct. It's the overall result that is wrong. That is what makes it so hard to find so stumping the accountant.

Say you have a credit with your supplier of $200. The supplier sends you $1,000 worth of goods on invoice A100. You claim the $200 credit and pay the supplier the difference on invoice A100. What can happen is that you enter that these goods on invoice A100 cost $800. As such, the profit owing is now incorrectly calculated.

You need to differentiate the credit which is easy to do in our POS system. Otherwise, you will cause an error in calculating the cost of goods sold which mucks up your profits figures. This also will produce an error in the analysis of your gross profit and net income, which is why the accountant picks it up.

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CBA going into "buy now, pay later" now


Today CBA has started to register people for its Buy now, pay later (BNPL) system. This will compete with other BNPL such as Zip, Afterpay and many others.

The advantage to the merchant and customers is that this BNPL has no fees for them and no extra commitments other than ordinary bank changes. More details here.

Once the four major banks enter this market and bed it down, I cannot see why we should continue to support the other BNPL.

Let me know your thoughts, please.

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How to prepare for your stocktake?


This is essential, to find out what has been going on with your stock.

Now to do this, you need some planning. A typical client of ours tends to need about four working days to count their stock. So budget accordingly, e.g. one person four days or four people one day. This is a personal preference. Some prefer to do it in one hit and get it over, while others prefer to do a rolling stocktake over a few days.

I suggest that if you are going to do it in one hit, do a trial stocktake a few days earlier. Pick a tiny department to acquaint yourself with the procedure first. Although you may have done many stocktakes in the past, it has probably been a year since you have last done one. Lots have happened in the meantime, so things do tend to have been forgotten. Go over the correct computer procedures. The more you know, the less time and money it will cost you while extra staff are counting. 

We will be doing some webinars on this all soon.

Try and move now as much stock as you can out of your shop. Return to a supplier, have an EOFY sale, etc. The less you have in the shop, the less to count.

Okay, you need to schedule. Set actual dates and times for the stocktake. Pick quiet periods to avoid distractions. I recommend that you break down the shop into manageable units. In my experience, it is best to make these units smaller than bigger. You can always do more units in one day if you have time. It's a pain to half a unit left for the next day.

Now make sure that your point-of-sale system is up to date. All the relevant stock receiving and sales information is entered. The last thing you want to do during a stocktake is hunt around in your files for correct stock information.

Go over the shop and make some order. Check your stock is tidy and in logical order. This will make it much easier to count.

To be continued...

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Your Steps to a Successful Stocktake


Good preparation is the key. Stocktaking is a length and often expensive operation. So now the stocktake season is upon us again. It is time to prepare.

We have now updated help documents available in posBrowser's help files. To get them press F1 in the register.

There are various Stocktaking methods

Pick the one that is best for you.

Stocktake = Standard stocktake doc using Posbrowser on its own to run the stocktake.

Stocktake with a PTD = Stocktaking with the help of a PDT

Stocktake with the stock management system = Stocktaking using the mobile PDA browser program.

3rd Party Stocktake guide = This is a guide on uploading stocktake data to and from another program. This is if you use a specific stocktake software

We recommend doing the stocktake while the shop is trading as there is no reason to shut the shop from trading.

I suggest that you have a quick read of the steps required, and then watch this Stocktake training video

If you have any questions let me know.



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How to minimise this year's business tax?


I am not an accountant. So please review with an accountant but here are some immediate ideas for you to discuss before the End of the Year.

1) If possible, hold off depositing monies till July. This often pushes the tax owing on these to next year. 

2) Review the coming expenses some if paid now will give you a deduction now. Commonly done here is to pay a big supplier now. 

3) Review your BAD Debts - no point in paying taxes on these debts if you do not have them anymore. Doing this you can claim back on GST credits too. To do this they need to be outstanding for over 12 months or have evidence that they are bad debt, e.g. the debtor is bankrupt. As a written record must be kept, I suggest that you make a dissection called bad debt and issue a credit note to these debtors for the debt. This will adjust your GST and sales ledges in our system. You can also as such adjust it back if by some miracle you do get paid.

4) If you have been working from home due to COVID-19, you may have more expenses you can claim a tax deduction. Better check here as there have been cases here of people overclaiming, e.g. claiming 100% of internet charges for business and none for personal use.


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Try this Decoy Price Strategy for Your Business.


So we have here an item with three sizes, cups of soft drink.

The small cup cost is $4

A large cup cost $8.50

A medium cup costs $8

The positioning is not an accident here as the purpose here is to sell the large cup so we want it in the public mind. 

Now studies show many people will go for the large cup since it is *only 50 cents* more than the medium cup. The only purpose of the medium cup is to boost sales of the large cups. To make this strategy work, you need to be able to offer people three alternatives to similar products. The two cheaper options must be priced lower than the target. The marketing idea is that the target is better value or quality for only a little extra.

For a more detailed example and studies done on this idea, see the Decoy effect in the Wikipedia here.

This strategy is widely used. You can use it for just about anything eg pens, cards, dog food, cosmetics, etc.

Give this idea a go and as always, let me know how it goes.

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What to be aware of when buying POS scanners.





Scanners have dropped in price a lot, so now we see ones designed with a specific purpose in mind. This is as if you are a scanner manufacturer; you can offer your scanners less to people who do not need a function by not putting it in.

If you buy a scanner for the back office, when they use it on the front counter,  you may have problems. This is because many back-office scanners have a button to press to activate them. This works great for people who only need to scan occasionally. For people on the front, they find it a pain to keep pushing the button for each sale.

The reverse can be true too. Front counter scanners often have a bright laser. In the back, it often gets directed against their eyes. This is because they do not have the scanner beam positioned away from them as it is in the front. This is actually dangerous.

Many scanners can be programmed to overcome these problems. The problem here is that programming them is a real pain and requires a person who knows what they are doing.

So please let us know precisely what you need.

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Making an EOFY Sale in your marketing!


At the end of the upcoming fiscal year, make a marketing plan for the next few weeks. Do they work? Well, look at any large retailer, these people have heaps of experience in this matter, what are they doing? Would they do all this advertising if it did not work?

If it works for them, why not you?

Take a look around your shop for some loss leaders to fuel the sale.

Need some ideas? Here is something that will take you a few seconds to give you these ideas.

Go to register reports > stock titled "Old Stock on hand by Date last received"

This will gives you a listing of your stock based on when you received it. Unfortunately, this stock is rarely doing you much good, and it often costs you to keep it.

Here are some ideas for you to season your EOFY sale.

1) What about making some of this into a bundle by putting some of these with something that does sell.

2) Make a bargain bin.

3) Use them as specials

Now put them out and put a sign on your shop.

Let me know how it goes. I doubt you will be sorry you try, but I am sure you will be sorry if you do not try it!

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See how to do a quote quickly and accurately in your shop



You can do quotes with your POS software with ease and accuracy. 
Providing a professional pricing quotation to interested people can lead to future business. 

Also, discussing a quotation with your customer allows you to understand what is needed. 

Quoting costs nothing. Often whether your quote is accepted or not, you are on the person radar. This is why doing a quotation is often a great introduction for your business. 

The problem, see illustration above, is that when you manually quote a client, much information is often unavailable. Plus, it is much easier on a computer if changes need to be done. 

-First, call up the customer.
-Select the make invoice button that returns you to the customer select page. 

Now you can create or edit an existing quote by pressing the edit button in the history view tab. Editing is much faster than making a new quote, so people often edit completed orders.

As a final note, state any restrictions or conditions relating to the quotation. Make these clauses as few as possible as every one of these clauses is a reason for the customer not to buy. I would recommend adding that your quote is only valid for a certain period. 

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The Best Lawn Equipment Repair Shop Software


We have the Best and Easiest to use Mower Repair Shop Software and have created a niche in this marketplace. 

Although many systems can handle the accounting in a shop, few can handle the demands of a machine repair business that even a tiny mower repair shop produces. 

What we do is provide an organisation with a smooth work log. We use an intelligent ticketing system that guides many jobs through the repair cycle to completion including the work done off-site plus third-party repairs. If required tickets can be further broken down and assigned to someone else if required.

Another great feature is the automatic email and SMS communications for tasks. For example, orders waiting for parts, review quotations, notification when job completed and if required orders progress.

If the client rings up, in our system, you can view all the shop activities, the current progress tickets and work to be done—all in real-time. 

In the end, we produce an invoice to collect the amount owing, which shows the full details of what was done. Then what is often helpful here is that the information collected can be sent automatically into any accounting systems, such as MYOB or Quickbooks. 

Note any user of our system has resulted from all our work here access to a very sophisticated repair system.

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Problems getting people to scan QR codes



A lot of people are not very helpful when trying to get them to scan QR codes. Some of my clients were bluntly told, no often with some colourful language added. Here, is a new twist, a man of 70 with Dupuytren’s contracture, which is like Parkinson or arthritis except it affects the hand. This meant that he could not fill use the QR scanning codes on his mobile or fill out the paper form. You can read up on what happened here.

From this, it appears that a bit more diplomacy here would have been in order. 

Still I do not know what to say here, the fine for not getting the details are in Victoria about $9,000.

Note if required, you can fill out the appropriate form on behalf of the customer.









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Returns handling in your shop


Today the number of returns is going up. Much is due to COVID, which has caused many of our clients to update their return policies.  

Unless you have a comprehensive and straightforward return policy, returns can be time-consuming. I say policies because you will find that your return policy has to be different for many goods.

One tip: many majors can transfer much of the cost of the returns to their supplier. See how much you can. What you need to check from your suppliers what their policy is in many situations. Plus be aware that many of your return is not your responsibility but theirs. For example, if you sell an item with a supplier claim, it is not your fault if it is false. 

Also, I do recommend is that you look through the return section of our software. You will find that it makes it quick and easy for you to handle and keep track of the returns.

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How to make a detailed receipt


So as the diagram shows above, you press the print button to get a receipt.

Yet, many small businesses want a formal invoice to show what they purchased. Then they want a receipt (for GST) to show they made payment.

You do not need to print both with us.

Instead, use the detailed receipt in our system, which is instantly available. Click on the "Receipts" button, find the receipt you would like to print, then press the "A4 Print" button.

Now you will then get an A4 ticket to print.


Pretty cool huh!

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