Point of Sale Software

Weather does Affect Retail Sales And What You Can Do About It


Have you ever found yourself shivering in the cold weather, wishing you'd bought that cosy jumper you have at home? Or perhaps you are hot and want a cool drink? These weather-induced moments of need aren't just everyday inconveniences—they're untapped goldmines for savvy retailers. Just look at the recent cold spell that swept across Australia, now sending sales of winter gear soaring.

A research paper here done on the weather stated

"Analyzing daily sales at a national apparel and sporting goods brand’s stores reveals that weather effects on store sales are surprisingly persistent, even after accounting for shoppers simply changing when and where they make their purchases. Moreover, sales at stores that have more experience with adverse weather events have a lower response, suggesting that adaptation may reduce the negative impact of increasingly severe weather on sales."

As someone who has analysed sales data for many retail clients, I've seen firsthand how changes in temperature and rain can affect product sales. It is not rocket science. Different weather conditions change what people buy. This is a chart I made based on data from one of our users. 


This stacked bar chart showed the sales performance of different product categories (Drinks, Clothing, Accessories, and Indoor Items) across three weather conditions (Hot, Cold, and Rainy Days). The y-axis represents sales volume, while the x-axis shows the different weather conditions.

Key insights from this chart:

Drinks have the highest sales on hot days, as expected.
Clothing sales peak on cold days, likely due to increased demand for warm clothing.
Accessories like umbrellas showed the highest sales on rainy days.
Indoor items see increased sales on both cold and rainy days, possibly because people spend more time indoors during these conditions.

This chart effectively illustrates how different product categories perform across various weather conditions, allowing users to quickly identify trends and patterns in weather-based sales.

Hot Days, Cool Profits

When the mercury soars:

  • Cold drinks sell
  • Sunscreen sells

Chilly Weather, Warm Sales

As soon as it gets nippy:

  • Hot drinks sell
  • Jumpers and beanies become must-haves
  • Heaters become essential purchases

Rainy Day Retail

When the rain comes down:

  • Umbrellas sell
  • Raincoats become good sellers
  • Indoor activity items like books and board games see increased interest

This weather-driven consumer behaviour is critical to understanding and predicting your sales patterns.

Turning Weather Data into Retail Gold

So, how can you use this info to boost your sales? It's all about being prepared and using your point of sale (POS) software to your advantage for weather-based inventory management and retail sales forecasting.

Dig into Your Data

This is where our POS software for weather trends shines, as your POS system is a goldmine of information for retail data analysis. Here's how to tap into it:

Go to Register Reports

Top selling items menu

Now select "Top N Stock Sales for a Given Period.

Top selling items

Put in a date of a hot day and see what you get. Do a few. Now put in a cold day and so on.

Do this also for cold and rainy days—you'll start seeing patterns emerge. 

These are products that sell in your shop in those days. 

Stock Smart, Sell More

Once you've got your data, use it for weather-responsive merchandising:

Make categories for stock that sell well according to the day's weather, e.g., start with hot, cold, and wet.  Get the appropriate signs.

If a day in the morning is forecasted to be such a day, these signs and products will be placed in a prominent position in the shop. 

Communicating Weather Strategies to Staff

Your team plays a crucial role in implementing your weather-based strategy. Here's how to get them on board:

  1. Hold regular briefings on upcoming weather and corresponding product focuses
  2. Train staff to understand the connection between weather and sales trends
  3. Encourage staff to provide feedback on customer behaviour during different weather conditions
  4. Create simple checklists for weather-based display changes

FAQs: Weather and Retail

Q: How quickly do weather changes affect sales?
A: Impact can be almost immediate, especially for impulse buys like umbrellas or cold drinks.

Q: How far in advance should you plan for weather-related changes?
A: Today's seven-day forecasts are generally fairly accurate. 

So I would suggest that you check the 7-day forecast each week in your area and note any abnormal hot, cold, or rainy days coming up.

The Bottom Line

While Mother Nature may be unpredictable, your retail strategy should not be. Make sure you have the right approach and tech tools, to take advantage of the weather to make sales. Your POS system isn't just a glorified cash register—it can be a predictor of your customer behaviour. With some planning and the right tech, you can ensure your sales forecast is always sunny, no matter what's happening outside.

Have you noticed the weather affecting your sales? I'd love to hear your experiences! Comment below or reach out if you need help setting up your POS system to weather any storm.

Stay savvy, and may your sales be ever in your favour!


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When Technology Fails: The CrowdStrike Outage


Have you ever wondered what would happen if your system suddenly stopped? During the recent CrowdStrike outage, millions of retailers experienced this. They entered their shop, only to find their computers frozen and no-one of taking in eftpos. It's enough to make any business owner break out in a cold sweat as he looks at all the staff just sitting around.

The CrowdStrike Outage: A Global Crisis

Last week, the retail world was rocked by what experts call the most significant computer outage. It had a global impact, affecting businesses everywhere.

The Scope of the Problem

  • Duration: For many, this outage lasted a few days. The day after, I took a picture of a supermarket checkout at my local supermarket.

CrowdStrike outage


Cash only

  • Geographical Reach: Businesses from Australia to Europe and North America reported issues.

This unprecedented event highlighted the critical need for robust POS system backups and comprehensive business continuity planning.

The Impact on Retailers

A Digital Domino Effect

The CrowdStrike outage wasn't just a minor inconvenience. For many retailers, it was like someone had pulled the plug on their entire operation. Here's what we saw:

  • Computer Chaos: Many retailers' computers stopped working, and suddenly, people were manual.
  • Manual Mode Activated: Shops had to dust off their old-school methods and operate manually, highlighting the importance of maintaining manual operational skills.
  • Payment Pandemonium: Electronic payment disruption was widespread. For many stores, it was cash or nothing, underscoring the ongoing importance of cash transactions in our increasingly digital world.

    Bob Katter on cash

Brick-and-Mortar Business Resilience Tested

This crisis put the spotlight on brick-and-mortar business resilience. Stores that had prepared for such scenarios fared better, while others struggled to maintain even basic operations. It became clear that in the face of retail technology failure, having a solid backup plan is not just advisable - it's essential.

Our Experience

Interestingly, none of our clients seemed affected by this widespread issue. We were ready, armed with fixes and procedures, but no one called. It was a bit like preparing for a party, getting dressed up and not going—frustrating, to say the least!

We even initiated a ring at a few sites we thought might be in trouble, but they were all fine.

Lessons Learned

The Golden Rule of Updates

I was gobsmacked to learn that many affected sites had broken the cardinal rule of IT: Never do an update on a Friday. It's like tempting fate just before the weekend! This incident is a stark reminder of the importance of timing in system maintenance and updates.

Insurance Implications

Those impacted should definitely touch base with their insurance providers. Your policy might just cover such tech-related interruptions.

Cash is Still King (Sometimes)

Meanwhile, this shows that we cannot yet get rid of cash. We are not yet equipped for a cashless society. Never undervalue the role of cash today!

Preparing for Future Outages

Create a Backup Plan

  1. Develop offline procedures for critical operations
  2. Train staff on manual processes
  3. Keep physical copies of important information
  4. Regularly test and update your retail tech disaster recovery plan

Build Resilience

  • Diversify payment options: Don't put all your eggs in one digital basket
  • Maintain offline capabilities: Keep those old-school skills sharp
  • Stay informed: Keep an eye on tech news and potential threats
  • Invest in reliable POS systems: Choose solutions with robust backup features and offline capabilities


This massive outage exposed our vulnerability to tech failures. As retailers need to stay alert and flexible. Learning and developing comprehensive backup strategies will help your stores weather future tech storms.
Smart retail isn't just about the shiniest new systems – it's about being prepared for system failures. Heed the warnings from this worldwide tech meltdown and shield your business from upcoming digital challenges.

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Get your stock turns now!


different stock turn rates.

Did you know that boosting your stock turn rate by just 20% could dramatically increase your profits? 

What Are Stock Turns?

Stock turns, or Inventory Turnover, measure how often you replace your inventory over a given period. It is a crucial indicator of your shop's performance.

The Basic Formula:

Manually, it is calculated by

Stock Turn = (Cost of Goods Sold) / (Average Inventory Cost)

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculate Stock Turns Manually

Calculate your Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for the period.

Determine your Average Inventory Cost
Add your beginning and ending inventory values
Divide by 2

Divide COGS by the Average Inventory Cost

For example:

COGS for the year: $100,000
Start of the year inventory: $25,000
End of financial year inventory: $15,000
Average Inventory: ($25,000 + $15,000) / 2 = $20,000
Stock Turn = $100,000 / $20,000 = 5

The Impact of Stock Turns on Profitability

Cash Flow Management: Higher turns mean you're not investing in the slow-moving stock. This improved cash flow allows you to reinvest in your business.

New stock: Moving your inventory faster keeps your stock current, reducing the risk of obsolescence.

Space Efficiency: You can use your valuable retail space better by keeping fast-moving items on hand.

The Magic Number: 12

Many retailers aim for a stock turn of 12. Why? It's simple:

You're likely paying suppliers monthly
A turn of 12 means you're selling out monthly
This means you do not pay for the stock you sell.

How to Check Your Stock Turns with POS Software

Our POS software has made inventory analysis more manageable than ever. Here's how to check your stock turns:

Open your POS software
Navigate to Main Menu > Cash Register > Register Reports
Expand the 'Stock' section
Select "Show Stock Turn by Dissection and Item"

​Here is the sample I produced showing the stock turns by department.

As a general rule, the higher the score of your stock, the better. This, however, is not always true; a stock turn that is too high often shows that you are understocked. For example, you have an item you could sell once daily, but you order one weekly. So every week, you have sold one, so at the end of the year, you have a score of 50, which is a great score, but you have lost 250 sales that you could have had because you could have sold one a day and all you have sold is one a week.  

High Turns (8+): Great! But are you missing sales due to running out of stock? 

Mid-Range (4-7): Good, but room for improvement.

Low Turns (1-3): Time to reassess. Are prices too high? Quality issues?

Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Optimizing Stock Turns

Over-optimizing: Pushing for extremely high turns can lead to being out of stock.
Ignoring seasonality: Some products naturally have different turn rates at various times of the year.
Neglecting customer service: Don't sacrifice having enough stock to meet customer needs to improve your turns.
Forgetting about lead times: Consider how long it takes to restock when planning your inventory levels.

Our POS systems offer a range of features to help with inventory optimization:

Real-time tracking: Get up-to-the-minute data on your stock levels and turns.
Automated reordering: Set up automatic purchase orders when stock hits a certain level.
Predictive analytics: Use AI-powered (FOCUS) forecasting to predict future stock needs. Our software includes this feature for free.

FAQ: Common Questions About Stock Turns

Q: What's a reasonable stock turn rate? 
A: It varies by industry, but generally, a turn rate of 4-6 is considered good, while 6-12 is excellent.

Q: How often should I calculate my stock turns? 
A: Monthly calculations are ideal for most businesses.

Q: Can stock turns be too high? 
A: High turns may indicate that you're losing sales due to running out of stock.

Q: Should I use the same stock turn goal for all products? 
A: No, different product categories may have different optimal turn rates. Use our POS data to set appropriate goals for each category.

Wrapping Up

Take time to analyse what these scores are telling you. This will help you to identify the actions required to improve profitability and return on investment.

Now, you need to analyse your stock and check each department to see what is working and what is not. A score signals bad sales and that you are more stock than you realistically need at any given time. Maybe you have a pricing or quality issue, but that department has a lot of obsolete stock. If so, move the obsolete stock to a different department, as it will not give you fair figures here.

A high score indicates greater profitability and a good return on investment, although, as I stated, it may also mean that you are not ordering enough.

Remember, every figure has a story.


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Comparing Electricity Rates for Your Shop, my recent experience


average monthly electricity costs for small businesses in Australia,0
My Eye-Opening Experience

Do not be made a sucker by an electricity comparison provider? As a business owner in Australia, I recently had an encounter that left me questioning their claims.

About a year ago, I blogged about the pitfalls of using the government electric comparison websites here. In summary, the figures on the government website I would get from my existing provider were wrong for me. It made me wonder if the other figures quoted from different providers were terrible, too. 

My recent experience with a commercial energy comparison provider is here. It all started with an email stating that the plan they set up for me was running out and it was time to renew. The problem here was my existing plan had a few months to go and that they never set it up. But as they did promise to slash my shop's electricity bills, I decided to find out what they had to say. So I rang up and got a cheerful voice claiming to be an "electricity expert". She offered to find me the cheapest plan for my business, promising savings. Admittedly, the quoted amount seemed too good to be accurate, but I would be happy if something could be done with our electric bills.

The conversation went something like this:

  1. They asked for some basic details about my shop's energy usage.
  2. They wanted a recent electric bill.
  3. The call ended with her excitedly promising "thousands of dollars" in annual savings by quoting one much cheaper item.

I signed a form allowing them to look and later sent a bill 

She then called back with an offer. The offer, however, seemed too good to be true. Trusting my instincts, I requested the information in writing to allow me to digest it. Here's what unfolded:

  1. An email arrived, but it lacked the comprehensive details I expected.
  2. Upon closer inspection, I made a startling discovery: the new plan was actually more expensive than my current one—20% more.
  3. I reached out for clarification by email, only to be met with silence. They never responded.

Retail electricity costs

Here are some facts about electricity costs for small retailers in Australia:

Electricity prices are up, with government taxation playing a significant role.

On average, small businesses in Australia pay between $700 and $1,400 a month for electricity. No matter what they say, you are not going to get a vast reduction.

Energy bill reduction for shops

Here are some tips for energy efficiency

  1. Upgrade to energy-efficient lighting: LED bulbs can significantly reduce your energy consumption.
  2. Optimise your heating and cooling: Proper insulation and smart thermostats can make a big difference.
  3. Invest in energy-efficient appliances: Look for appliances with high energy star ratings.
  4. Implement a switch-off policy: This one is inexcusable. Ensure your equipment is turned off outside of business hours. 
  5. Use natural light: Where possible, use natural light to reduce reliance on artificial lighting. I opened the blinds at work; we work in the daytime and have plenty of sun. 

Lessons Learned: A Retailer's Guide to Energy Savings

This experience taught me valuable lessons that I believe every business owner should know:

  1. Do your homework: You have got to use some intelligence
  2. Look at the big picture: Don't be swayed by one attractive rate. Always consider the total cost.
  3. Plan B: Check what happens if it does not work out and you want out
  4. Leverage your relationship: If you're satisfied with your current provider, before doing anything by explaining the situation. I have an offer for .....

Red Flags to Watch Out For

Based on my experience, here are some warning signs that an energy offer might not be as good as it seems:

  1. Pressure to sign up immediately
  2. Reluctance to provide details in writing
  3. Promises of unrealistic savings

Wrapping Up

Be careful. Also, remember the cheapest plan is not always the best. Customer service and provider reliability are crucial for keeping your business running smoothly. 


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Picking a Large Print Keyboard for people with Low Vision


Have you ever watched someone squint and struggle to read a keyboard? It happens for many with low vision; using a standard keyboard can be difficult. But here's the kicker: the right large print keyboard can transform a daily challenge into a seamless experience.

Here is a game-changer for those with low vision. Whether you’re a retailer seeking a point-of-sale upgrade or advocating workplace inclusivity, our guide unveils the magic behind these keyboards.

Why Large Print Keyboards Matter in Retail

For brick-and-mortar shops, low-vision accessibility is crucial. Large print keyboards are a vital assistive technology for retailers, ensuring all staff can use your point of sale system effectively. These keyboards are a critical component of POS system accessibility, offering:

  • Improved readability
  • Increased typing accuracy
  • Greater independence for users
  • Reduced frustration and eye strain

By implementing visual impairment solutions like large print keyboards, you're helping your staff and creating a more inclusive retail technology environment that can boost productivity and morale.

Key Features of Ergonomic Keyboards for Low Vision

1. High Contrast Colours

Visibility is everything. The best large print keyboards offer:

  • Light letters on dark keys
  • Yellow on black (a top choice among users)
  • A clear distinction between keys and characters

2. Durable Lettering

Quality keyboards should have letters that don't wear off quickly, lasting about two years with regular use.

3. Clear and Bold Typography

  • Large, easy-to-read characters
  • Bold, straightforward fonts
  • Easily visible from the user's typical position

4. Key Size and Shape

  • Larger keys help prevent missed keystrokes
  • Consider the balance between size and overall usability

5. Build Quality

For a busy shop environment, choose:

  • Sturdy construction
  • Durable materials
  • Water-resistant design to protect against spills

How to Choose an Accessible Keyboard for a Retail Environment

Selecting the right large print keyboard for your accessible point-of-sale system involves several considerations:

  1. Assess Your Needs: Determine the specific visual challenges your staff face. Do they need larger keys, higher contrast, or both?

  2. Consider Your POS System: Ensure the keyboard is compatible with your existing POS software and hardware.

  3. Test Before You Buy: Have your staff try different models if possible, as just because you think it looks good does not mean that they do.

  4. Think About Layout: Australian standard layouts are crucial for efficiency and familiarity.

  5. Evaluate Durability: Retail environments can be harsh on equipment. Look for keyboards built to withstand frequent use.

  6. Check for Additional Features: Some keyboards offer programmable keys or integrated pointing devices, which can be helpful in a retail setting.

  7. Budget: Check prices first; some of these keyboards, I think, are rip-offs. 

When it comes to large print keyboards for people with low vision, the choice of colour can significantly impact visibility. Here are some options to consider:

  1. Black on White: This classic combination provides high contrast and is generally easy to read. It is possibly the most popular combination for people with low vision, but it is not my favourite choice.

  2. Yellow on Black: This is the one I recommend you look at. In my experience, the yellow text on a black background helps with its high contrast to enhance visibility for those with vision impairments.

  3. White on Black: This would be my second choice, as white letters on a black background are now widely used, making it something most people are used to. So making it a better choice for shared keyboards.

The costs are about the same, and you should be able to get something decent for $25 to $40. 


Large Print Keyboard Color Combinations Effectiveness

Remember, implementing inclusive retail technology like large print keyboards isn't just about accessibility – it's about creating a work environment where your staff can work.

Have you used a large print keyboard in your shop, please let me know your experience!


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See the movement of sales by your suppliers over time


Are you tired of feeling behind in trying to keep up with the latest retail trends and changing customer preferences? One key to staying ahead is your supplier sales data.

Monitoring your suppliers' performance can be a key differentiator. This often overlooked strategy works by pigging on the backs of your suppliers. You look to see which supplier is working and then move to them while using fewer of those that are not working. This can revolutionise your inventory management.

In today's retail battlefield, knowledge truly is power. Here's why keeping tabs on your suppliers' performance is a game-changer:

  • Spot emerging trends before they hit the mainstream: Be the first to stock the next must-have item.
  • Make inventory decisions backed by hard data: Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to optimised stock levels.
  • Negotiate like a pro: Use sales trends to secure better deals and terms with your suppliers.
  • Align your shop with market shifts: Stay nimble and adapt to changing customer preferences.

Let's explore how your POS software can unlock these powerful insights.

Supplier performance tracking

  1. Open your POS system's reporting module
  2. Go to the register sales reports and call up the "Sales Comparison by supplier"
  3. Set your date range (e.g., current financial year vs. previous year)
  4. Choose to view results as percentages for easier trend-spotting

Supplier options

I prefer to look at percentages as it shows trends.

Hit "View Report" and watch the magic unfold!

Supplier report

What You Might Discover: Retail Market Trends

Imagine stumbling upon this eye-opening data:

Key Takeaways:

  • ABC supplier is on fire! Their products are resonating with your customers.
  • The drink supplier is losing ground. Is it time to review their range? My advice would be to start some negotiations with their reps. The existing strategy is not working. 
  • Eco Essentials is gaining traction. Riding the sustainability wave?
  • The card supplier has taken a significant hit. Economic factors at play?

Digging Deeper

Your POS Software here offers a treasure trove of additional metrics:

  • Profit margins: Your profit, both in absolute and percentage, as well as the change.
  • The average price you sell: Check what price you are getting and check to see what others are getting. In my experience, it is interesting if there are wide changes between what you sell at and what others do.
  • The number of sales: I consider each sale to be a vote, check how your customers are voting for your products

From Data to Action: Supercharging Your Retail Strategy

  1. Schedule supplier check-ins: Share insights and brainstorm ways to capitalise on trends.
  2. Retail inventory management: Boost stock for rising stars and pare back on underperformers.
  3. Retail sales optimisation: Highlight products from trending suppliers.
  4. Supplier negotiation strategies: Use data to drive better deals and partnerships.

Your Turn: Unleash the Power of Supplier Insights

Don't let this data goldmine go to waste! Dive into your POS reporting features today and start uncovering the stories your suppliers' sales are trying to tell you. Your shop's future success might depend on it.

Remember: Your POS is more than just a fancy till – it's your crystal ball for retail success. Use it wisely, and watch your business thrive!


Would this marketing strategy work for you?


Have you ever considered telling potential customers that your product is the worst? It sounds crazy, right?

**But maybe embracing your flaws could be the key to making sales**


Would you try this coffee?


The sign out front boldly proclaims, "Come in and try the worst coffee one woman on TripAdvisor had in her life!" It is a risky move but one that will turn heads. Maybe this counterintuitive approach to marketing is just the weapon you need to stand out from the crowd.

Unconventional marketing strategies:

  1. It grabs attention: This stops people in their tracks in a sea of "Best coffee in town!" signs.
  2. It's memorable: Customers are far more likely to remember and talk about this unique approach.
  3. It shows confidence: Only a business that believes in its product would dare to poke fun at itself.

Stand out from competitors

This strategy taps into several powerful marketing principles:

  • Authenticity: Customers crave genuine interactions with businesses.
  • Humour: A good laugh creates a positive association with your brand.
  • Curiosity: People will want to see if the coffee is that bad (spoiler: it's probably not).

If you are going to do this, I suggest that you. 

  1. Embrace it with humour: Turn it into a catchy slogan or marketing campaign.
  2. Be genuine: This only works if you're confident in your product or service.
  3. Offer a refund if not satisfied: You need to reduce the risk.
  4. Use your POS data: Analyse sales trends to see if your honesty campaign drives results. If not, I will pull it out immediately.

POS system for marketing

A robust point-of-sale system is crucial for tracking the success of your customer engagement strategies. Here's how it can help:


Role of POS Software in marketing


It's hard for a business to stand out, but being the worst at something might set you apart in a crowded market. It's a bold strategy.

Remember, at the end of the day, it's all about providing value to your customers. A good laugh might get them in the door, but your quality products or services will keep them coming back.


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Boost Your Shop Presence with Review Plaques


Here is a secret: why do some local shops attract customers? The answer is that online reviews can make or break a small business in today's digital-first world. Here's the catch: Satisfied customers often exit your store silently, while dissatisfied ones eagerly voice their complaints online. To thrive in today's digital marketplace, motivating content customers to share their positive experiences is crucial. As a store owner, you may ponder effective strategies to encourage happy patrons to spread the word about your business in the digital realm.

Enter the review plaque - a simple yet effective tool that may help.

Google review plaque


Facebook and Google review plaque


What Are Review Plaques?

Review plaques are small, smart devices that sit on your counter. They allow customers to quickly leave reviews for your business with a simple phone tap. 

How Do They Work - Local SEO?

The process is straightforward:

  1. As a customer completes their purchase.
  2. You ask about their shopping experience in your shop.
  3. If they're satisfied, you invite them to leave Customer feedback
  4. Ask them to tap their mobile on the review plaque if they agree.
  5. Their phone opens your Google or Facebook review page
  6. Your customer can now immediately write a review on the spot

It's that simple!

The Impact of Review Plaques

Recent studies here have shown impressive results:


The Impact of Google Review Plaques

One retailer reported jumping from an average of one review per month to a whopping 18 reviews! I am sure it improved their Google My Business ratings.

Pros and Cons

Let's break down the advantages and potential drawbacks:


Local, authentic reviews - Google and Facebook do not like it if you use fake reviews. Online, they can be ruthless. I had a client who got thrown right down Google ranking for doing just that.

Limited to in-store use - If they leave the shop, the customer cannot use them.


Some customers may be too busy; after all, they are shopping.


Takes counter space

Timely feedback

Possible customer pushback


They're relatively inexpensive, ranging from $20 to $80. For the best results, I recommend investing in a quality plaque around the $40 mark - after all, it'll be front and centre on your counter!

The Bigger Picture: Local SEO and Customer Trust

In a world where consumers often search for "newsagent near me" or "pet shop near me", positive reviews can significantly impact your visibility and credibility. Review plaques offer a simple way to encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences, potentially drawing in new shoppers who trust the opinions of their neighbours.

Ready to Give It a Go?

If you decide to try a review plaque in your shop, we'd love your results! Local SEO strategies like this can make a real difference to small retailers, and we're always eager to learn from our customers' experiences.

Have you used review plaques in your shop? Please, you must share your experiences!



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A video of our cash register functions


Picture this: A bustling store, customers flowing through checkout lines with ease, and a team of employees confidently managing transactions without breaking a sweat. Now, imagine being the owner of this seamless operation. 

**Prepare to revolutionize your retail game with a cash register that doesn't just count money – it propels your entire business forward.**

Check out this video to see why our cash register "stands head and shoulders above the competition" as the finest option available.

Our meticulously crafted video presentation offers an in-depth look at how our POS system can transform your retail operations. Let's examine the key benefits this technology brings to your business.

Core Advantages:

  • Faster Transaction Speed: This will significantly reduce queue times and improve customer satisfaction
  • Intuitive User Interface: This will minimise training time and maximise staff productivity
  • Precision: Eliminate manual errors and ensure financial accuracy
  • Data-Driven Insights: Get comprehensive information allowing you to make informed decision-making

Client Testimonials: Proven Results

Our clients' experiences speak volumes:

"The end-of-day reconciliation process, once a time-consuming task, is now a streamlined operation I approach with confidence."

"The system's learning curve was remarkably short. It has significantly enhanced our shop."

Conclusion: Empowering Your Retail Success

Our POS system goes far beyond advanced technology; it's a solution engineered to elevate every facet of your retail operations. I urge you to watch the video and see for yourself the transformative impact it can have on other items, such as inventory management, loyalty programs, and integration capabilities.

Your Customer journey events (CRM)


Using customer triggers in their journey

Why do some businesses consistently outperform their competitors? The answer is often more straightforward than you think. 

Most sales are recurring or predictable; you can take advantage of this with triggers (free email). Here are some real-world examples of my POS software CRM Users' cases for their loyalty programs. 

1. Birthday email marketing

Do we all do something for our birthdays? Sending a special offer on a customer's birthday is one of the best ways to boost sales. People want to treat themselves, and I am sure you want them to treat themselves from your shop.

2. Reminder email campaigns

Sold a magazine? Great! Set a trigger for when the next issue hits the shelves to notify your customer when it arrives, and you are more likely to see them back in your shop.

3. Pet Owner

Did they buy dog food? They'll need more; it is just a matter of time! Set your CRM trigger based on the average time to use the product.

4. The Annual Service Reminder

Have you just quoted for a lawnmower service? Set a trigger for next year even if you do not get the job, as they will need a new service. Maybe you will get it the next time?

5. Customer segmentation by ethnicity

Say your customer is French, and Bastille Day is coming up; suggest a few books on France.

Your Customer Journey Events in CRM are not just buzzwords but the cornerstone of modern, effective marketing. These strategic touchpoints throughout a customer's interaction with your brand can distinguish between a one-time buyer and a lifelong buyer.

Here, we will discuss the concept, explore its practical applications, and show why implementing this approach could be the best decision for your business.

What Are Customer Journey Triggers (events)?

Customer journey triggers are specific events or milestones in a customer's life or purchasing history that create perfect opportunities for engagement. 

Customer data insights 

  1. Free Targeted Marketing: Email marketing based on these triggers costs you nothing but can yield significant returns.
  2. Rich Customer Data: As you build your loyalty program, you'll gather valuable insights.
  3. Boosted Sales: Relevant promotions mean more purchases.
  4. Customer satisfaction: Timely reminders show you care.
  5. Stronger Relationships: Lifecycle marketing keeps customers coming back.

The Harsh Truth

If you're not using customer journey triggers, you're losing customers to retailers who are. It's that simple.

How to Get Started

  1. Implement a Loyalty Program: This is your foundation for gathering data.
  2. Identify Key Triggers: Look at your products and think about natural follow-ups.
  3. Set Up Automated Emails: Use your POS software's CRM to schedule these trigger-based communications.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on what works and refine your approach.

Actual Results from my clients

Here are some results I got when I analysed some of my clients' information

Trigger Type       Average takeup
Birthday Offers    25%
Restock Reminders    15%
Annual Service Alerts    30%

A Personal Touch Goes a Long Way

Remember, these triggers aren't just about sales. They're about showing your customers you understand their needs. 

Lifecycle marketing

Customer journey triggers are easy to set up, free to use, and powerful. By tapping into your customers' natural lifecycles, you increase your chance of making a sale.

Dive into your POS software's CRM today and set up those triggers. Give it a go.


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Cheques going out by 2030


Graph of cheques drawn in Australia over time

"I'm sorry, but we no longer offer cheque facilities on this account." Imagine the surprise when the Commonwealth Bank of Australia told a long-time client of mine this. I was stunned, yet it's a fact throughout Australia today. Cheque usage in Australia has fallen so much. In the 1980s, cheques were 85% of all non-cash transactions. Today, they make up 0.01% of total payments. 

In 2023, Australians wrote less than one cheque per person a year. 

The Generational Divide

It's not just the numbers changing; it's the people too. Here's a quick breakdown that might surprise you:

Generation     Cheque Usage
Baby Boomers  Occasional
Gen X Rare
Millennials Very rarely
Gen Z What's a cheque?

It's not good for the cheque's future.

Cheques in Australia 2030: To Accept or Not to Accept?

Many retail Australian businesses no longer accept personal checks.

As a business owner, you might be torn. On the one hand, it's hard to refuse a payment if the customer is willing to pay, but it comes with risks. Let's break it down:

Pros of Accepting Cheques:

  • Cater to older customers
  • Rural areas with bad internet
  • Avoid some processing fees, which is a huge problem as many of my clients sell low-margin items like lotto products.

Cons of Accepting Cheques:

  • Risk of bounced cheques
  • Time-consuming to process
  • Time to get the payment into your account
  • Potential for fraud (counterfeit, lost or altered cheques)

I had a customer whose chequebook was stolen, and it took a while to sort it out. If you have an old, unused chequebook, I suggest you destroy it.


The cheque's last stand is upon us, they are scheduled to be phased out in 2030. This doesn't spell doom for retailers as currently its use is limited.

Graph of cheques drawn in Australia over time

The fact is that your next customer will be with a smartphone in hand, so make sure you can accept this payment method.

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New Refund Rules at Kmart: What It Means for you


Kmart returns policy
Picture this: A customer walks in, claiming they bought an item months ago. There is no receipt, no proof, just a story. Sound familiar? I had a customer who told me that is precisely what happened. A person entered his shop and demanded his money back on a book. He looked at his sales history and found nothing, so he told the guy, who promptly ran out of the shop. 

You probably want to read about Kmart's new policy, which will change this scenario forever. Kmart has tightened its refund process and now requires proof of purchase for all "change of mind" returns, such as copies of receipts, Bank statements, Buy Now Pay Later statements, Flybuys statements, etc. 

Time Frame: Must be made within 60 days unless the people are in its VIP program members:

Original packaging: Required plus the instruction manuals and all accessories

Non-refundable items: Some products, like cosmetics and printer cartridges, are excluded from "change of mind" refunds

More details here.

Next Step for Your Business

I suggest consulting your industry group before taking any action. They can provide valuable insights on best practices and legal considerations. Then, it will be time to take action. Your refund policy should do double duty: shield your business and nurture customer faith. Nail this balancing act, and you'll create an environment where your success and customer satisfaction go hand in hand.

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Graph your sales results


One key to success in retail is monitoring sales trends. Imagine having a report for your business review that you can understand. This is where sales data visualization comes in.

The Power of Sales Data Visualization

As the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev wisely noted, "The drawing shows me at one glance what might be spread over ten pages in a book." This couldn't be truer when analysing your business's sales data.

Graphs offer a quick, clear snapshot of your sales trends. They help you:

  • Spot ups and downs at a glance
  • Identify long-term patterns
  • Assess the impact of your business strategies

Let's dive into how you can easily create and interpret these visual goldmines using a business POS system.

Benefits of Visualising Your Sales Data

  1. Decision-Making: You can quickly identify which products are your top performers.
  2. Inventory Management: It helps you to anticipate seasonal trends and stock accordingly.
  3. Better Sales Efficiency: It enables you to focus on what's working.
  4. Time-Saving: Get retail data insights in seconds instead of hours spent poring spreadsheets.

Creating Your Sales Graph: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Access Your Reports

  1. Go to Reports in your point of sale software
  2. Select Sales
  3. Choose Dissection Monthly Sales Trend (Graph)

Step 2: Set Your Parameters

To get a comprehensive view:

  1. Select an extended timeframe (Do not be afraid to use five years as even this can show much)
  2. Choose your product category (e.g., giftware)


There are many options here, but I will keep it quick and straightforward, and you can build up from there.

Pick a long time; I will pick seven years because I am looking at a long-term trend.

I decided to look at giftware products, so I picked selected and highlighted giftware.


What Can We Learn?

  1. Long-term growth: Sales have increased from $20K-$50K to $30K-$80K monthly.
  2. Seasonal patterns: Christmas peaks are noticeably higher in recent years.
  3. Overall trend: The upward trajectory suggests successful strategies are in place.

I am sure you will agree that it is much easier to see that than a report with lots of numbers.

The Power of Visual Data

Imagine trying to spot these trends in a report full of numbers. With a graph, these insights jump out at you, saving time and mental energy.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Graph Analysis

  1. Compare Year-on-Year: Overlay graphs from different years to spot seasonal patterns and growth.
  2. Zoom In and Out: Look at long-term trends and short-term fluctuations for a complete picture.
  3. Combine Categories: Look at group-related products to identify broader trends in your business.

Your Turn: Give It a Go!

Now that you've seen how easy and insightful graphing your sales can be, why not try it yourself? Here's a quick challenge:

  1. Graph your top-selling product category for the past year
  2. Look for any surprising trends or patterns
  3. Jot down three insights you've gained


Graphing your sales results is a powerful tool for understanding your business travel. By regularly doing these graphs, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions and improve sales performance.

Ready to Transform Your Sales Analysis?

Try our point-of-sale software now and see how easy it can work for you and turn your sales data for success.

In the world of retail today, knowledge is power. With our POS system for businesses, you have that power.

How did you go with creating your first sales graph? We'd love to hear about your experience and any insights you uncovered. Comment below or contact our support team if you need help getting started.


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Review your prices


When was the last time you gave your prices a critical review? If you're scratching your head, you're not alone—many retailers often make a price and forget about reviewing it. However, regular price reviews are crucial for keeping your business healthy and profitable. Each card will frequently have different costs and pricing, which you must determine.

Cards with clearly marked prices.

The Set-and-Forget Dilemma

It's a familiar story:

  1. Set an initial price for an item
  2. Get busy with day-to-day operations
  3. Forget about that price for months (or even years!)
  4. Now, they will wonder why their profits are shrinking

This approach can seriously harm your bottom line.

The Ever-Changing Retail Landscape

The fact is that now we are going through massive price changes. Prices now are in constant flux. Your retail prices should reflect these changes. Ignoring these shifts can lead to the following:

  • Losing money on items where your costs have increased as failing to adjust prices can lead to a severe profit margin decline.
  • Missing opportunities to boost profits on items
  • Falling out of step with your competition and market trends

Your New Best Friend: The "Quantity On Hand and Price Check" Report

Here is a good report that I suggest you run "Quantity On Hand and Price Check".

This simple, powerful tool can kick off your price review journey. I think you will find this report a goldmine of information, showing you the following:

  • Current stock levels (so you know what's actually on your shelves)
  • Your cost price (what you paid for each item)
  • Your selling price (what customers are paying)
  • With your profit margins (the all-important difference) in this report, you do not need to calculate retail profit margin; it does it for you.

This information lets you quickly identify which items need your attention most urgently.

I took a client through this report, and she told me, "Clearly, I did set many prices and forget about them. Last year, I started reviewing monthly. I was shocked that some items were barely breaking even due to supplier price increases. Adjusting prices strategically boosted my profit by 15% without losing customers."


Pricing strategy

Yet, there's more to pricing than crunching numbers. Let's dive into some key factors to consider:

  1. Customer perception: How do your prices compare? Are you a budget-friendly option or a premium retailer? Have you checked?

  2. Product value: Does your price reflect the quality and benefits of the item? Sometimes, a higher price can boost sales by signalling higher quality.

  3. Market trends: Are there seasonal factors or industry changes to consider? For example, some toys command a higher price in summer. There is an art in seasonal pricing for retail stores.

  4. Your overall strategy: Are you aiming for high-volume sales with lower margins or fewer sales with higher margins? In my experience, getting enough sales to justify a lower margin is tough.

  5. Consider location: Your shop's location can significantly impact your pricing strategy. If you're paying top dollar for a prime spot in the shopping centre, you must factor in the rent increases we see now, but remember that a prime location can also support premium pricing.

  6. Salary increases: We are all now looking at salary and superannuation increases. You must factor in the rent increases we see now.

Here is an example of what happened to us: I negotiated an electricity discount with our supplier. I was told how much it would save us. It's been a year, and my electricity bills have not gone down, despite what I was told. 

How Often Should You Review?

In my experience, a general guide would be:

Price Review Frequency by Business Type

Fast-moving goods
Seasonal items
Before each season
Stable products
Monthly or quarterly
At least once a year




Tips for Effective Price Reviews

  1. Set a schedule: Mark your calendar and stick to it. Consistency is key!
  2. Use technology: Using your point-of-sale software.
  3. When goods are received: Check your prices and use the history in your POS System to see if the change could impact your profit.
  4. Listen to customers: Their feedback can provide valuable insights into perceived value.
  5. Stay informed: Keep an eye on competitor pricing. The internet is great for doing that.
  6. Consider bundle deals: Price reviews can help you identify opportunities for profitable product bundles, which is the best way to eliminate dead stock in my experience.
  7. Psychology: Generally, instead of $10.00, use $9.99. Your customers will perceive the price ending in '.99' as lower. 

Promotional Strategies: Using Price Reviews to Boost Sales

Regular price reviews aren't just about adjusting your standard prices. They can also help you identify golden opportunities for promotions:

  • Clearance sales: Spot slow-moving items that might benefit from a temporary price drop.
  • Loss leaders: Identify products you can afford to discount heavily to drive foot traffic.
  • Bundle deals: Create attractive bundles. In my experience, too many retailers do not bundle enough.

A Word of Caution

While it's essential to adjust prices when necessary, avoid making many changes at once. It's best to make a few here and then in some other spot, as doing so can alienate your customers. 

Wrapping Up: Your Action Plan for Price Review Success

Reviewing your prices regularly isn't just good business practice—it's essential for survival in today's fast-paced retail world. By staying on top of your pricing strategy, you ensure your business remains competitive, profitable, and aligned with market realities.

Here's a quick action plan to get you started:

  1. Schedule your first comprehensive price review
  2. Talk to your staff about gathering customer feedback on pricing.
  3. Do competitor price tracking.

Your point-of-sale software has features that allow you to gain insights and make informed decisions. With regular reviews, you'll be well-positioned to thrive in the ever-changing retail landscape.

So, when will you schedule your following price review? 


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Your sales performance


What you do not measure, you cannot control

Imagine if, in a few minutes, instead of guessing how last year's sales went, you knew this. Sounds like magic, right? Well, that's the power of your modern POS software at your fingertips!

Why Analyse Your Sales?

In the bustling world of retail, staying on top of your sales performance isn't just bright—it's essential.  Knowledge is power. Understanding your sales trends through retail data insights allows you to make smarter decisions and drive your business forward.

Point of sale reporting

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's quickly spotlight why your POS software is the unsung hero of your shop:

  1. Real-time tracking: You need to know what is selling now!
  2. Inventory management: Never run out of your bestsellers again.
  3. Customer insights: Understand what the customers in your shop want.
  4. Data-driven decisions: Make decisions based on data.

The Dissection Comparison Report: Your Retail Crystal Ball

Our point-of-sale software offers a powerful tool called the Dissection Comparison Report. This intelligent feature allows you to compare your sales performance across different periods. It's like having a time machine for your business!

How to Access Your Sales Comparison Report

Follow these simple steps to unlock your retail data insights:

  1. Go to the Main Menu
  2. Click on Cash Register
  3. Select Register Reports
  4. Under the Select Report tab, expand the Stock folder
  5. Choose "Dissection Family Class Period Sales Comparison"

Comparing Year-on-Year Performance: Your Business Time Machine

Let's dive into how you can use this report to assess your annual performance:

Then you will see this screen. This is what you will get.

POS Comparsion report options


  1. Set the left side dates:

    • From: 01/07/2022
    • To: 30/06/2023
  2. Set the other side dates:

    • From: 01/07/2023
    • To: 30/06/2024

This comparison will show how your business has grown over the past year. It's like searching past photos of your business.

What to Look For in Your Retail Sales Analysis

  • Overall sales growth: Has your total revenue increased?
  • Top-performing categories: Which product families are your stars?
  • Underperforming areas: Where might you need to make changes?
  • Seasonal trends: Do certain products shine at specific times of the year?

Zooming in on Quarterly Performance: The Recent Snapshot

To get a more recent snapshot of your business, let's look at the last quarter:

  1. Set the left side dates:

    • From: 01/04/2023
    • To: 30/06/2023
  2. Set the other side dates:

    • From: 01/04/2024
    • To: 30/06/2024

This comparison is used to spot recent trends. It's like having a magnifying glass for your most recent business performance!

Questions to Ask Yourself for Better Business Insights

  • What products or categories have seen considerable growth?
  • Are there any surprising declines in sales?
  • How do these quarterly results compare to your annual trends?
  • Is your inventory management aligned with your sales patterns?

Data-driven retail management

Now that you have the information, here are some tips to turn your retail data into action:

  1. Celebrate wins: Did a particular product category smash it out of the park? Give yourself a pat on the back, and consider expanding that line!

  2. Investigate dips: If sales dropped in an area, ask yourself why. Was it a change in customer behaviour or perhaps a supply issue? Your POS software can help you dig deeper.

  3. Spot opportunities: Are there growing categories you could expand? Use your data to guide new product decisions.

  4. Plan: Use these insights to guide your inventory management and marketing efforts. Stock up on what's trending before your competitors do!

  5. Customer focus: Look for patterns in what your regulars are buying. Can you create bundles or promotions based on these insights?

  6. Staff training: Share these insights with your team. Knowing what's selling can help them provide better customer service.

Business growth strategies

These reports are your numbers – they are your story. Regularly checking your sales performance gives you the knowledge to make intelligent decisions.

Your Action Plan:

  1. Log into your POS software today
  2. Run your first Dissection Comparison Report
  3. Identify one area of improvement and one area of success
  4. Make a plan to address the improvement area
  5. Share your success with your team to boost morale

Ready to Supercharge Your Retail Success?

Don't let valuable insights slip through your fingers! Your POS software is ready to reveal the secrets of your shop's performance. Why not dive into your Dissection Comparison Report today? You might just uncover the key to your next big business breakthrough!

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Your Support Call Rating for us


Our Support call ratings

Customer support can make or break a business, and the numbers back it up: consumers say that the quality of customer service influences their choice of and loyalty to a company. I know from personal experience that I do not deal any more with Citibank because of one lousy loan officer. I can go to plenty of other banks. In today’s competitive market, exceptional support isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity. That's where support call ratings come into play.

Those that collect them consider them a report card for their customer service team. If you look at them, it shows how well you are solving problems. The reality is:

  • Happy customers come back: When people have a good experience, they're more likely to return.
  • Word-of-mouth magic: Satisfied customers are your best advertisers.
  • Continuous improvement: Ratings help you spot areas where you can do better so we can improve customer service

The Nuts and Bolts of Support Call Ratings

So, how does this rating system work? It's pretty straightforward:

  1. After a support call, we send the caller an email to say that the support call is considered done and to please rate their experience and give their comments.
  2. The ratings we use range from 1 to 10 stars.
  3. The data is collected.
  4. We analyse your feedback.

When rating a support call, customers often consider:

  • How quickly their issue was resolved
  • The friendliness of our support person
  • The support person's knowledge and expertise

One point I have noticed, if a customer today is upset with you, they will leave negative feedback.

Customer support ratings, last Quarter

We're keen to share some great news with you! Last quarter, our support team has truly outdone themselves:

  • Nearly perfect scores: We've achieved 10 out of 10 ratings, with just one 9 out of 10.
  • Glowing feedback: Our customers have left some ripper comments that warm our hearts.

Here's a snippet of what our happy customers are saying:

"Great service"

"How easy it was to get help"

"What great knowledge Peter has!! And as usual always a pleasure"

We are absolutely thrilled with these results and would like to acknowledge our exceptional team for their effort and dedication. It is indeed a proof of their dedication to guarantee the top support of all our satisfied consumers.

We're Here for You

If you ever have a problem or think we could do better, let us know. We're all ears!

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Battery care for your POS Equipment




During stocktake time, people start recycling old POS equipment. Often, no one has given much thought to the batteries that keep some of your POS equipment going, such as the portable data terminals (PDTs). They came from storage, and a few people had problems. The problems were not big, but if the stocktake was planned for last Sunday and the PDT could not be fixed until Monday, you can see the situation these people faced. We specifically told people to check their equipment first. Some did not. 

Let's chat about battery care - it's not as dull as it sounds, I promise!

Lithium-ion batteries are today's unsung heroes. They are everywhere: in phones, laptops, PDTs, and more. But like any piece of equipment, they need a bit of TLC.

Proper battery care can result in significant cost savings. We need to maximise battery life and reduce unnecessary battery replacements.

POS battery care

1. Store Smart, Stay Safe

Where you keep your batteries matters. They don't like it too hot or too cold. An excellent spot that is cool and dry is just right. Please keep them away from anything that might catch fire. Improper battery care can be a fire hazard; if it's next to something that burns, you may have a problem.

2. Charge with Care

Unplugging is underrated. Once your PDT is fully charged, disconnect the charger. If connected, it can cause problems.

3. Cool It Down

After a busy day of scanning and tapping, your PDT will feel the heat. Let it cool off before charging. 

4. Watch for Warning Signs

Your battery might be trying to tell you something. Keep an eye (and nose) out for these red flags:

  • Strange smells
  • Colour changes
  • Excessive heat
  • Shape changes
  • Leaks
  • Odd noises

If you spot any of these, it's time to retire that battery. Better safe than sorry!

POS system battery care

While maintaining your batteries is not difficult, it does require some TLC.

These simple steps will help you keep POS systems working and reduce the need for replacements.

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Your Stock Profit Killers You Can Control


Stock counting

Have you ever wondered where your stock disappears? You're not alone. Many retailers do not know. Yet, understanding stock shrinkage and damage rate is crucial for retailers. Let's dive into these KPIs. It will only take a few minutes to find out. Then maybe it can transform your business.

Shrinkage and Damage

Imagine this: You've just finished a stocktake, but the numbers did not add up. Sound familiar? That is shrinkage. And those damaged gifts at the back of the shop now? That's damage eating into your profits.

Quick Definitions:

  • Shrinkage: Stock that's gone missing
  • Damage: Stock that's no longer sellable without discounting

Crunching the Numbers

Let's get our hands dirty with some calculations. A full and detailed explanation is available here.  After a stocktake, working through the calculations should take a few minutes.

Some real-world case studies

Case Study 1: The Vanishing Vitamins

A pharmacy in Brisbane was losing $5,000 worth of vitamins each month. After calculating their shrinkage (2.5%), they discovered employee theft was the culprit. By implementing stricter controls, they reduced shrinkage to 0.8%.

Case Study 2: A newsagent in Sydney

They found that their margins on stationery were, in theory, about 50%. Yet they found that their margin was more like 32%. This is due to the theft rate. They rearranged many of the stationery and put it behind the counter, which boosted their profits dramatically.

Industry Benchmarks

I can give you some typical figures quoted, but almost everyone I ask tells me that these figures are educated guesses. Most quote a figure of 1% to 2% and then give a disclaimer to say they believe it is too much higher. Figures typically quoted are 1.5% shrinkage with a damage rate of 0.4%; here are some details. How do your numbers compare? If they're higher, panic!

What we do know is that since COVID, shoplifting rates have jumped. You can read about it here in every state; we are looking now at about a 20% to 40% increase. This is a worldwide trend; for example, in the UK, it was a 37% increase. 

Yesterday figures from the Victorian Crime Statistics were released for the year ending March 2024 here there is a concerning 17% increase in theft offences recorded for the period to March 2024, driven by the highest ever numbers of incidents from retail stores. They I think confirm an early report that shoplifting is at highest level ever here. I am sure the oother states will becoming out soon with similar figures. Shoplifting since COVID has been a disaster.


The Why Behind the Numbers

Shrinkage causes:

  1. Sticky-fingered shoppers (shoplifting): One pet shop told me that the small items for the pets too often disappear.
  2. Employees with light hands (internal theft): Lott is often a big problem here. An employee gets the sudden urge to grab and rub a scratchie, and it loses, so they put it down. 
  3. Paperwork nightmares (administrative errors) - Often, lousy data entry has errors.
  4. Dodgy dealings (supplier fraud) - I suspect this is all too common in newsagencies. I find it hard to believe that these errors we pick up are entirely accidents.

Damage Demons:

  1. Clumsy handling 
  2. Storage snafus
  3. Time's Cruel March (expired products)
  4. Rough rides (transport damage)
  5. Sun causes the item to fade over time.

Ideas for Prevention

  1. Regular Stock Audits: Don't wait for year-end surprises. Implement cycle counting to catch issues early.
  2. Set SMART Goals: Use your percentages to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound targets. I discussed how to do them here yesterday. 
  3. Train Your Team: Get your staff involved.
  4. Upgrade Your Tech: A modern POS software and a camera system can be your best ally in the fight against shrinkage and damage.
  5. Secure Your Space: Precious items should be behind the counter or under lock.

POS Systems: Your Secret Weapon

A robust Point of Sale system isn't just a glorified cash register. It's your 24/7 stock guardian. Here's how:

  • Real-time Tracking: Know your stock levels at a glance
  • Automated Alerts: Get notified of suspicious patterns
  • Easy Auditing: Simplify your stocktakes
  • Data Insights: Spot trends and make smarter decisions

From Numbers to Action: Implementing Change

  1. Set Your Baseline: Calculate your current shrinkage and damage percentages.
  2. Benchmark: Compare your figures to industry standards.
  3. Identify Hotspots: Which products or areas are most affected?
  4. Strategise: Develop targeted prevention strategies.
  5. Monitor: Regularly check your percentages to track progress.
  6. Adjust: Refine your changes based on results.

Loss Prevention Strategies That Work

  1. The Power of Light: Well-lit shops deter thieves and reduce accidents.
  2. Look for dead areas: Design your stock layout to minimise blind spots. Have cameras and mirrors there.
  3. Inventory Management Software: Use technology to track stock movements accurately.
  4. Get your employees involved: Often, they can pick up suspicious people. 
  5. Customer Service Focus: Attentive staff naturally deter shoplifting.
  6. Grandmother: This idea works. Have the grandmother at the front of the shop personally welcome everyone into the shop. 

The Bottom Line Boost

Reducing shrinkage and damage isn't just about preventing losses but unlocking profits. Here's the impact:

  • Increased Revenue: Every item saved is an item sold.
  • Better Cash Flow: Less money tied up in replacement stock.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Your POS system will know the stock that you have.
  • Improved Forecasting: Accurate stock levels lead to smarter buying decisions.

Your Next Steps

  1. Calculate your current shrinkage and damage percentages.
  2. Set realistic targets for improvement.
  3. Implement at least one new prevention strategy this month.
  4. Use your POS system to automate tracking.
  5. Schedule reviews on loss prevention.

Remember, every small improvement adds up. A 1% reduction in shrinkage on a million dollar turnover business, at 30% margin is about $10,000 profit to you.

By tackling shrinkage and damage head-on, you're not just protecting your stock – you're safeguarding your success. It's time to turn those missing items and damaged goods into profit on your bottom line.


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New Financial Year, Make New Goals now


We only die once, we live everyday

A brand new financial year is upon us. This time of year is when you know your financial side of the business the best. You will talk to your accountant shortly, so now is the best time to consider the coming year.

Those last year's numbers are a treasure map. They can help guide you to the future and help you to steer clear of past pitfalls. Leverage this valuable data to make a winning strategy for the coming year.

I suggest you use the SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). Method.

1. Reflect on Your Retail Journey (The Past Year in Review):

Take a moment to review your 2023/24 performance. What were your high points? Where did you face challenges? Our crystal-clear POS system reports will give you much to reflect on here.

These reports can help you identify what worked, what was okay, and what did not. Identify your wins.

One saying to remember is, "Reinforce victories, not defeat."  If it does not work, move on; there is no point in being fooled.

2. Craft a Realistic Budget:

We all love dreaming big, but having a solid financial plan is like having a roadmap for your business. Create a preliminary budget for the coming year. Remember, keep it realistic and achievable. An unrealistic budget makes you frustrated, so be honest with yourself. If you cannot sell it to yourself, you will not sell it to anyone else, and it will fall by the wayside.

Consider factors like:

  • Projected sales based on past performance and market trends
  • Fixed costs (rent, utilities, salaries)
  • Variable costs (inventory, marketing expenses)
  • Planned investments in the shop, e.g. technology or store improvements

Our POS system can help you make and track these metrics in real time, allowing you to monitor your progress.

3. Know Your Strengths (and Weaknesses) – A Powerful SWOT Analysis:

Every business is unique, just like a fingerprint. Take some time to conduct a SWOT analysis. It might sound complicated, but it is not. It also serves a bonus that people outside your business can readily understand it. I have discussed SWOT here. If you want some help, give me a call.

Note: If there's enough interest, I'd be happy to host another webinar that explains how to conduct a SWOT analysis specifically for retail businesses.

4. Setting SMART Goals:

Now comes the crunch: setting goals! Combine your budget and SWOT analysis to establish realistic yet ambitious targets. Writing your goals down makes them more concrete and helps you stay focused. You will be more motivated when you tick those goals off your list!

Here are some examples of SMART goals for retailers:

  • "Increase average transaction value by 10% by December 31st through staff training on upselling techniques."
  • "Reduce inventory holding costs by 15% within six months by getting rid of dead stock."
  • "Learn to use social media for free advertising."
  • "Expand a top-selling line."

5. Embrace Digital Marketing:

In today's digital age, your online social media presence is crucial. Develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that includes:

  • Social media marketing on platforms relevant to your target audience
  • Email marketing campaigns to engage customers and drive repeat business
  • Get yourself into Google

6. Master Inventory Management:

Effective inventory management is crucial for your financial success. Use your POS system's inventory management features to:

  • Track stock levels in real-time
  • Set up automatic reordering. It will save you a lot of time.
  • Identify slow-moving items
  • Your card department needs monitoring. It is the easiest and quickest department to improve.
  • Optimise your product mix based on sales data.

7. Look for new markets:

What you have might be great now, but what about tomorrow? 

  • Look around at what others similar to you are selling
  • I have noticed that clothing, even in shops that appear to have nothing to do with clothing, is doing well. Clothing makes up about 20% of Australian retail.
  • You want at any time at least six new products in your shop.
  • Look up best-selling lists to get more ideas. 
  • Ask your customers what they shop for now.

8. Invest in Your Team:

Your employees are the face of your business. Invest in their development through:

  • An introductory training session on product knowledge and customer service will do wonders. Is it not better that they learn a few pointers from you, then they learn it making a fool of themselves in front of your customers?
  • Creating a positive work environment will encourage them.

9. Adapt to Changing Consumer Behaviors:

Stay ahead of the curve by keeping an eye on emerging trends:

  • Products dealing with health and wellness did well this year
  • Romance, religion, and cookbooks have done well in books recently. Books overall have done well recently. 
  • As I said earlier, clothing

Our POS system can allow you to monitor what types of products are selling in your shop.

10. Sustainability:

Sustainability is a problem; you must consider it carefully for your customers. It is vital to many people, and in others, it's irrelevant.

  • Consider sourcing eco-friendly products very carefully. Often, people report that they want something, but when offered it, they are not prepared to pay for it.
  • Considering electricity prices now, implementing energy-saving measures in your store is worth considering. Even just enforcing rules like turning off machines that are not in use can do wonders. 
  • Offering recycling programs for your customers as a service tends to bring people into the shop. 

It is good for the planet, attracts environmentally conscious consumers, and potentially reduces operating costs.

Remember, the more you plan, the smoother your journey will be. With a clear roadmap and the right tools in place – like our unique POS system – you're on your way. How you want to take it from there is up to you

Planning is indispensable

As I said at the start, in my experience, retailers now have the best financial information for their business.

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In your shop: Importance of Computer Maintenance


Before and after images of a partly dusty vs. clean computer interior


Today, your point-of-sale (POS) system is vital in your shop. However, remember that it is a mechanical device. Even the most reliable machine can fail even with the best care being taken. Even quicker if it is not well treated. Here, we'll explore why regular computer maintenance is essential for small retailers, share a cautionary tale from one of our clients recently, and provide you with a practical checklist to help you keep your POS system running smoothly. Don't let your business become a cautionary tale too —learn how to protect your investment and ensure business continuity.

The Cautionary Tale

A had been using the same computer for a whopping 15 years. It started showing issues, and when reported to us, we told them that this machine needed looking into and maybe needed replacing. They kept putting it off with the idea, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

But here's the point - it was broken. They didn't know it yet.

The Breakdown

A few days ago, their computer died. Here's what went wrong:

Outdated Operating System: The computer was running Windows Server 2008. It is long obsolete. POS software updates are helpful.

Computer cleaning: The computer was caked in dust, and no one bothered to clean it. As a result, the air vents were blocked, so it ran without cooling, cooking the circuits.

Hard Drive Failure: After years of good service, the hard drive called it quits.

Corrupted Backup: When we checked, the problem corrupted their backup.

The Consequences

Now, our client has

  • Data Loss: Lost critical information, probably its gone forever.
  • Downtime: It will take us time to recreate their system. We have given them a fresh system with minimal information till we sort it out.
  • Expensive Recovery: Recreating data and migrating to a new system isn't cheap.

Your Computer Maintenance Checklist

So, how can you avoid this Scenario? Here's a handy checklist:

POS system maintenance: Dust is the enemy! Give your equipment a good clean regularly, at least once a year.  Read here.

Hardware Upgrades: Why wait until it's too late? Prevent possible data loss.

Backup, Backup, Backup: Create frequent data backups and store them off-site.

Listen to Experts: Take their advice seriously! If you do not like their advice, why do you use them?

Retail computer maintenance checklist

  1. Assess: Take a good, hard look at your current POS system. How old is it?
  2. Plan: If you're due for an upgrade, start planning. Why wait for disaster to strike?
  3. Act: Reach out to us. We are here to help you to keep your business running with top-notch staff.

In retail, your POS system is your nerve centre. Please treat it with care. Let's work together to keep your business thriving!

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