Point of Sale Software

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Your tax claims with running your business from home


Due to COVID-19, we all do a lot more work from home. To many, it is a new normal.

Now there are some of the expenses of working from home can be claimed too. 

Some valid deductions would be on your home computer. You can look at such as its desk, your computer chair, electricity, carpets, lighting, etc.

You can also often claim a share of the rent for the area of your office from which you conduct business.

I would suggest that you discuss this with your accountant.


Hello there, I'm new here, So i'm not sure in the event this section may be the right place to create this and sorry for this, but I had been hoping someone here on possolutions.com.au would be able to guide me.
Now i am wondering if anyone knows any specific trusted seller for SEO Ranking, we have been a vendor which need a decent source for such services.

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Here are some of your last minute ATO requirements


Review your debts and write off the bad debts in your computer system. What most people do is write them off in the official books. Then put them into a voodoo account in case they do actually by some miracle get paid for them.

Write off any trading stock that is damaged or obsolete.

Revalue your damaged stock to the current value of the stock.

Keep in mind what your accountant will want is your stock valuation by

*Cost prices 
*The Market selling value 
*Replacement value 

If your books are set up on a CASH system, you need to pay off outstanding debts to get the credit for them in this financial year.

To help you we will be doing webinars on financial and management reports very soon.



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What your required for your end of year reporting


The end of the financial year is coming so we all need to finalise our tax paperwork and accounting. 

Here are some steps that you will need to do from your point of sale software. 

* Review your bad debts and determine what you are going to do about them. 

* Remember you are going to have extra bills like insurance appearing, so you need to budget early for July so look at the creditors listing to mark what is not going to be paid soon.

* Review your stock. Consider writing off old stock. Why not start an EOY sale now?

* Take an end of year backup of your information and file it away somewhere. Remember you will need to keep this for seven years at least after you lodge your return. Please do not use any EL Cheapo USB sticks

* Contact your accountant and to get a list of documents that they need. I would suggest as a least they will require you to prepare the following documents for them.

Sales reports
Stock Valuation 
Customers Outstanding 
Creditors Outstanding 
Subagents Outstanding

I usually say that this it is an excellent time to review the past year, to see what’s worked and what hasn’t, then to plan for next year. But, 2020 has been such a challenging time, starting with the drought, bushfires and COVID-19 who knows what to expect now but so far it looks good since we have opened up, 



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Law on Itemised bills


This came up yesterday, a customer wanted an invoice from some items he purchased a few days ago on a statement.

Firstly our understanding is that any customer has the right to ask you for an itemised bill or account for up to 30 days after receiving the statement and must be provided free of charge within seven days of the request.

The main reason is my experience people do request this, is because some of the items have GST and some do not. 

It is actually very easy to do in our system as we have automated the operators and you can print in seconds.

I would suggest here using the A4 receipt, in the cash register look for the item, click on the "Receipts" button, find the receipt you would like to print, then select the "A4 Print" button:


Out will come an A4 receipt:


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MYOB integration Free


MYOB software is the most popular accountancy system in our market space, and our point of sale software integrates into MYOB Essentials and AccountRight. 

This is available free to our clients. 

Using this integration will save an MYOB user saves our clients time as it removes manual data entry; this reduces errors and is quicker in transferring the information.

Having worked extensively with MYOB for many years and is one of the first software companies to have done the integration, we have gained much respect for this accountancy program. 

One function they have that I like is the "smart bills", where a person can drop an image of an invoice into MYOB, and it can often read all the information even if the invoice does not have an ABN number. This function is not available in many other accounting programs.

If you are interested check out the automatic MYOB Data Transfer section in your POS software.


Once set up, all you need to do is select the dates to go.

By doing this both your point of sale software and MYOB will work together to bring businesses like yours, an integrated point of sale and accounting platform to helps you better manage your business.

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Large organisations payments systems are in trouble



If you deal with large organisations, what you will notice is that currently, their payment is now all over the place.

What has been happening is that their payable processing cycle works by the accounts department getting a bill from you. This bill is then passed by them to the relevant department to match your quote, review that your work been done and to approve the payment. Once they get that approval, then they schedule a payment to you. As it is this schedule can take a while.

However, what been happening now is that in this current crisis, this procedure is not working, mainly as some key people are not at work. It only takes now one guy and suddenly this cycle halts. The accounts department will not pay until the cycle is done, and they have approval. I also suspect that everyone is looking for an excuse to delay payment anyway.

We are now suffering from big organisations taking even longer than before to pay.

If you have a solution to this problem, please share as we all need an answer.

One of my clients is attaching this note to his bills.

"Please take care of this invoice and clear the payment because we have also the cash flow issue and also can't get jobkeeper due to Government policies. So we have to pay salaries to our staff and we need the cash to clear the salaries.

Hope you understand and clear the payment soonest." 




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Debt controlling


Debt is everywhere, it affects almost every human organisation, in my lifetime, I have seen the greatest empire in the world, the USSR and most important people like the Shah of Iran collapse from it. 

They did not have money to pay for people, and because of the debt no-one would lend them more money, soon their worlds collapsed.

Debt is part of modern life. If you sit back and wait, the worst might just happen. Here is a quick way of determining just how much debt your business is owed.

So go to main menu.

Register reports

Now usually, I would recommend using Trial Balance(excel), but for this example, I just wish it to be simple, so I selected Trial Balance.



Now select today's date, although just to show you the power of our system, I picked a random date many years ago.

I also selected by order by Surname as I think it makes it easier to find, and I ignored the "More Criteria" because I do want to keep it simple, but I urge you to experiment later with these options.



Now out pops among other details a page like this one below Although for security reasons, I blanked out the names, you can see all the relevant information is here.


A total will be printed at the end.

This gives you a quick look to understand your situation.


What interesting exercise is to go back in and select today's date last year and see how your debt situation is shaping up. If it is dramatically going up, I would suggest that you take action rather then praying for the best.


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Invoicing is now easier in our cash register in the new version as we have automated more the operators' work easier. Using it you can print the invoice in seconds, with minimum steps, you do not need a keystroke as it can use a touch screen but if you like you can use the keyboard shortcut keys.

This will save you time and effort, mainly if you are dealing with busy businesses and customers.

If your customers want an A4 receipt which is often true of business customers it is elementary to do, click on the "Receipts" button, find the receipt you would like to print, then select the "A4 Print" button:

Out will come an A4 receipt:

What we do suggest is that invoicing immediately and getting the customer email address to email these invoices immediately too while it is still fresh in everyone mind.  The quicker they get it the quicker you get paid.

Besides being a double hit on the bill, this email address can then be used for loyalty marketing purposes so serving another function.


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Balancing the till


Balancing your tills is essential to any retail business. It actually should be part of your daily routine, but now suddenly you sense that something is not right and you want to balance the till. This is where we use X-offs,

What we strongly suggest is that every cashier has their cash drawer. There is no problem as our system allows many tills to work on one computer,

At the start of each shift, the staff member gets the float. This can be easily balanced at any time.

Go to the End of Day section in the cash register and select X-offs

With this summary of sales what will get extra information which may help with your investigations such is the net sales, voids, paid ins/outs, taxes, the breakdown of various methods of payment and more.

Select on the end of day page choose the X-off option that is below the EOD option marked in green. Select the time the staff member assigned to the register started and the current time. You now run the report.

Now it’s time to count your cash.

When balancing lookout for overages and shortages, an overage is not to be ignored as it can mean that people are not recording all their sales. If so, why are they not recording all the transactions?



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Integrate accounting


One point that can in retail save you time is automation that saves you time.

Consider that you save a lot of time of manual bookkeeping every year by integrating your POS system into your accounting system.




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Eliminating many GST errors


Our software has inbuilt a powerful GST auditing tool inbuilt which gives you a fast and accurate audit of your GST.

Now what sometimes happens is that people have some queries about their GST and they want to check in their accounting programs that it is giving the same result as their point of sale software.

Here is how you do it in our software.

Go to the Register reports > Sales > GST Summary for a given period



This will give you a detailed report which including this.



Now, this you can check with your accounting program.

If the two are not the same, then what you need to do is track down the incorrect figure. This can be extremely difficult as sometimes, it is not actually wrong in either system. So we need to audit.

The problem here is that three (3) is often a big job to audit in practice. So what we do is try to break it down to a short period, generally a day and audit just that day. This process can take time.

So what we suggest is to run this report for one month, then the accounting program for the same month. If the problem is not noticeable in that month, we go to the next month and run both again. It does not take long in our system as its Microsoft SQL which sets the standard for speed.

If it is noticeable, then we look at the first half of the month and check that with the accounting program and so keep going making the period smaller and smaller until we get to a day where the problem is noticeable. Then I check the transactions on that day.

It will take you using this method about seven (7) attempts to get to that day. Once you get into the rhythm, it is relatively quick.

Sometimes though it can be tough to find, I remember once, I could not figure it out why a $2000 transaction was not there. It turned out that it was an insurance claim that had wrongly been put down in the accounting software as a sale. Doing this check, as a result, saved the retailer $200. 


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GST eliminate errors


Our software has inbuilt a powerful GST auditing tool inbuilt which gives you a fast and accurate audit of your GST.

Now what sometimes happens is that people have some queries about their GST and they want to check in their accounting programs that it is giving the same result as their point of sale software.

Here is how you do it in our software.

Go to the Register reports > Sales > GST Summary for a given period






This will give you a detailed report which including this.



Now, this you can check with your accounting program.

If the two are not the same, then what you need to do is track down the incorrect figure. This can be extremely difficult as sometimes, it is not actually wrong in either system. So we need to audit.

The problem here is that three (3) is often a big job to audit in practice. So what we do is try to break it down to a short period, generally a day and audit just that day. This process can take time.

So what we suggest is to run this report for one month, then the accounting program for the same month. If the problem is not noticeable in that month, we go to the next month and run both again. It does not take long in our system as its Microsoft SQL which sets the standard for speed.

If it is noticeable, then we look at the first half of the month and check that with the accounting program and so keep going making the period smaller and smaller until we get to a day where the problem is noticeable. Then I check the transactions on that day.

It will take you using this method about seven (7) attempts to get to that day. Once you get into the rhythm, it is relatively quick.

Sometimes though it can be tough to find, I remember once, I could not figure it out why a $2000 transaction was not there. It turned out that it was an insurance claim that had wrongly been put down in the accounting software as a sale. Doing this check, as a result, saved the retailer $200. 


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There were problems this morning with MYOB, with people trying to log in, when we tested it then there was a problem however according to MYOB the problems have been fixed.

Also, I have tested it now and it seems all fine.



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Accounting software in retailers


Every year we survey our clients to see what they think of our performance

Accounting systems in retail shops

While we do this, we ask a few questions about what our clients are doing and what they want to do with the software.  So we asked them about what accounting systems they use? 

The first point to notice is that about 95% of retailers here are running some accounting program, which is effectively everyone. Interestingly although there are many accounting software packages, most retailers in our market space use one of four systems.

In my experience, as Australian standards in accounting software has not changed much in 30 years, all these programs can do the same job. All are good, and the difference tends to be, I think user preference, requirements and ease of use.

Running through them in turn.

MYOB historically and now is by the far the most popular system by retailers. Recently as they introduced their cloud version, you can see its popularity has continued to grow in our chart. I find it too rigid in use for my taste but many would consider this a positive advantage. 

Quickbooks and Reckon, a few years ago had a terrific deal going, over half price so we told our clients and many of my clients jumped on this deal, obviously, Quickbooks has lost much market share as the deal died out but as their cloud version comes out they are slowly building up their market share. This one is my personal favourite but I do accept that this flexibility comes at a price that a user does require more training than other software packages.   

Cashflow manager is an extremely solid and popular accounting program, I am not surprised there is a growing interest in the product. Its simplicity is I am sure part of its appeal.

Xero is expensive but very good. Now it is clearly facing pressure from other vendors now that can now do cloud as well so my clients are moving away from it. 

Finally, interest in what is many other smaller accounting software packages are dropping off. I think that this might be the effect of the growing interest in cloud computing. The other problem is that if you adopt a system with few users, it can be hard to get help if you require help. 







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Discussion on free and paid accounting software


Today I was hit with several questions from my users about our accountancy link, which is a free product with no cost to them. The next question I was asked was which accounting software was the best.


Well honestly, it has to be said is that if you are small, you can do this on a spreadsheet. You do not need an accounting program. Simply have one sheet for expenses and another for income. When I first started in business, in a bedroom in my flat, this is what I used for many years. In many ways, it was better than using an accounting package. What I particularly liked was that I could make my own reports as I liked, it's only now with recent developments of our software, the sole one in our market space with this capability that I have seen this flexibility returned.

However, when you start to get bigger, you quickly see that you need more and an accounting software becomes a critical tool in any business to effectively operate.

As Australian accounting standards have not changed much since GST came in, and they did not change much before that either. So it should be said that any accounting software package released since GST should do the job. For example, I have seen multi-million dollar companies using ten-year old accounting packages.

If you have not got an accountancy system and want to try one out free, you will find most packages have a free trial period. If you want to try some totally free ones, two that I think are extremely good are GNUCash.
and Money Plus

I used Money Plus for many years for my personal accounting and was extremely impressed with it. What happened is that Microsoft took on Quickbooks and although they made an awesome program, they could not beat Quickbooks and stopped work on it and released this free version.

Both of these accounting programs are extremely powerful, both come with bank reconciling, profit and loss, budget planning and detailed report generation. Many SME business run fine with either of them.

There is also a free accounting software offered by the ATO too but compared to these two its extremely limited in its use, so I do not recommend it.

If you are prepared to pay, the two most popular by far in our market space is MYOB (50%) and Quickbooks (35%). The main attraction of these two over the free ones above is that our clients have integration. This saves them about an hour or two of work a month. The big problem with integration is when something goes wrong, and you can spend ages trying to find out why and there is always problems, for example, the tip roll at the end of day does not balance exactly with the banking. It's for this reason some do not like integration even though its free.

Of the two, I think you will find Quickbooks easier to use, the problem most people have with MYOB who don't actually know how to use it, is that without a basic grasp of bookkeeping it is a struggle. Once you get used to MYOB though, its fine.

Still from what I have seen, they are all fairly similar. They do the equivalent things. They use the same principals, etc. There are points that I like in one and points that I like in another.

Whatever way you do go, I would recommend that before you start you buy a book on basic bookkeeping using the software you intend to use. Work though it and then start.

In my order of my preference.

Money Plus

The cost varies, one of my clients who uses the full system of MYOB gave me his breakdown of costs per year.

MYOB AccountRight Plus AU 2008 $439.00
2009 $459.00
2010 $493.05
2011 He was not sure.
2012 $714.00
2013 $780.00
2014 $840.00

Take out payroll and his costs would be much less.

PS One point I do recommend is, use your accounting program with dropbox or onedrive from Microsoft so you can get the benefits of being able to use it online for free, anywhere in the world. That way if say you are in your accountant's office, and they need some figures, you can get it from the cloud instantly.

Get the $20,000 instant asset tax write-off



If you are seriously planning to upgrade your computer system soon, it would be a serious loss not to take advantage of this year, immediate $20,000 tax write-off if your business turnover is less, then $2 million dollars. If so you are running out of time, for this year's deduction. I would suggest that if you are in a position to take advantage of this concession, you should do so. Note you can always get another $20,000 next year, and then it ends.

It’s a great opportunity to spend on something that will help you work smarter and more efficiently, improve your shop and allow you to offer better customer service. We are currently sending out some good offers for our clients.

I would suggest that you speak to your accountant about it ASAP.

Customer receivable on 30 June 2014



How do we get the Accounts Receivable Balance for Customers to ensure that you produce the report after the deliveries for Monday have been charged?


Since round cards tend to run automatically at 10:30pm by the scheduler so not to waste newsagent's time, you need to run this report, the Customer balance report until after your rounds have run for the day. The easiest way to do that is after the 30th June, in the criteria of the report in the From date select the 30th.