MPA shock

The Magazine Publishers of Australia MPA did some good work in newsagencies. They set up the MPA categories. Most newsagents that tried it were pleased with the result. Many offered to help as they wanted to make it better. Nothing came out of the offer. Newsagents were also keen to hear more. Yet nothing more came.

Then the director Helen Kingsmill who was there for years left. She has not been directly replaced and its seven months now. We still do not know what is happening with her position.

So little came out of the MPA that we almost forgot about them. Still I am stunned with the email, I received today about the MPA.

If what I am hearing is correct, all MPA want to do is concentrate on promoting advertising in magazines. Nothing else. You would think with some of the recent magazine circulation drop that the emphases now must be done at the retail level. This is not a individual magazine problem but an industry problem.

If things are just left, I can see a major paradigm shift with retailer reducing magazines soon. There are many products that could go into that magazine space.

If that happens maybe MPA should consider that much of that advertising revenue will disappear too.