Point of Sale Software

Prepare for Mother's Day Sales with Your POS System


Mother's Day 2024
Mother's Day is an excellent opportunity for retailers. It is now the third-largest retail season of the year!

Australians are expected to spend $995 million on Mother's Day this year, up 7.5% from the previous year, which also set a record. We can anticipate fewer customers overall due to the current cost-of-living pressure, but those who do plan to buy will be spending more, as the projected gift purchase is set to jump from $92 to $102 per person.

People will buy candles, books, clothes, personalized items, etc.

Here's How to Use Your POS System for Mother's Day Success:

Prioritize Convenience & Inspiration

25% of Mother's Day shoppers cite convenience as their top priority when selecting gifts. Many are short on time and looking for ready-to-go options and ideas. Cater to these needs with:

  • Dedicated Mother's Day Display: Create an eye-catching, centralized display showcasing your giftable Mother's Day merchandise. Clear signage guides hurried shoppers straight to this "grab-and-go" section.

  • Pre-Bundled Gift Sets: Offer assembled gift sets (e.g. a plush robe with slippers and a candle) to reduce decision fatigue for stressed shoppers. This also increases the average order value.

  • Diverse Gift Options: While many buy for their mothers, around 19% gift maternal figures like partners, friends, in-laws, grandmothers, sisters, or daughters. Ensure a wide assortment to serve all customers.

Data-Driven Product Assortment

Let your POS data guide your product selections and purchase quantities by analyzing what historically sold well for Mother's Day:

  1. Access Historical Sales Reports: Look for "Top N Stock Sales for a Given Period" or a similar report in your POS backend.

Go to Register reports.

Now pick "Top N Stock Sales for a Given Period."

In the form, put the date a late year for now to Sunday, 14 May 2023. These are the items that worked for you then. Hopefully, you have them now.

Check Pre-Pandemic Sales: Generate this report for the week leading up to Mother's Day 2019 to understand pre-COVID buying patterns.

Find the Sales Sweet Spot: This year's sales will likely blend 2019 and 2023 patterns. 

Stock accordingly while leaving buffer room for demand fluctuations. Make data-driven purchases to ensure you have the right gift assortment and volumes.

Maximize Your Promotions & Operations

Even with its short sales cycle, Mother's Day can significantly impact your bottom line if well-executed. Prepare with these strategies:

  • Promote Early & Often: A simple sign on the window can do wonders in practice.

  • Highlight This Year's Gift Trends: People tell me that recipe books are expected to be good sellers.

  • Offer Gift Services: Consider simple add-ons like gift wrapping, which saves customers time and increases your transaction value.

  • Staff Appropriately: Schedule enough sales staff. Use your traffic reports, as this will tell you how busy you were last year. 

Please go to Traffic analysis, which you will find in register reports > Sales.


Now, here, select "Traffic Analysis by Trading Hour."

Put in here the week before that includes Mother's Day

Now out pops a chart, which shows by customers how busy the shop was per day. This will tell you how busy the till operators were with colour coding.


By combining strategic planning, operational readiness, and leveraging your POS data, you can deliver outstanding service while capturing maximum Mother's Day profits.

The Payoff of Prioritizing Mother's Day

Mother's Day is not only a chance to delight your customers and honour maternal figures. It's also an enormous money-making opportunity for retailers willing to put in the work.

With some upfront analysis of your POS data, an assortment of giftable products tailored to trends, convenient shopping experiences, and well-promoted offerings, you can transform this spring occasion into a massive revenue windfall.

So start preparing your business for Mother's Day! 

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Boost Sales with Digital Signage


A shop window with a TV at night showcasing its goods

In the ever-evolving retail landscape, businesses need every edge to stand out, connect with customers, and boost their bottom line. Digital signage is a key to unlocking a new level of in-store engagement, adaptability, and brand impact that static signs can't compete.

Dazzle Customers and Drive Engagement

People today are trained to look at screens. If we see a screen, we look. This is partly why digital signage makes your business shine. Also, the vibrant colours, captivating animations, and immersive videos help. This draws customers in and leaves a lasting impression.

Setting Up Your Digital Signage: What You'll Need

While digital signage offers benefits, let's break down the key steps:

  • Look at what others are doing:  The best way to get ideas is to go to other shops, look at the signs, and see what digital signs you like there. If you like it, I am sure others will too.
  • Measure out the area in your shop: Try to get an idea of the size that suits your space.
  • Screens: This is the centrepiece of your setup! If you have an old TV at home or a spare computer screen, consider using that. Otherwise, you can get a relatively cheap screen or digital photo framer. A digital photo framer starts at about $85.
  • Computer or USB: Some screens need a computer to run, while others, such as a digital photo framer, can use a USB stick. 
  • Slideshow Maker: This is the heart of your signage system. Look for some user-friendly software that lets you create media content. I am not recommending one now, as the only one I know is Proshow, and it's off the market. If you use a professional photographer, you do not need this.
  • Mounting and Installation: Consider professional installation for a polished look and safe, secure screen placement.
  • Picture of your shop and goods: A good smartphone today can do this. You can take many photos and permanently delete the bad ones. You are not going to complain if you have too many images. For a five-minute presentation, you need about 40 images.  For information how to do this click here.
  • Some time: On the first few, it does take some time to learn, but after that, it is really quick.

Advantages of doing it yourself

You can change to fit your retail trends, sales, weather, etc. Everything can influence what messages your customers need. You can update your displays based on your latest products, promotions, and seasonal content or even react to the news. This gives you both adaptability and keeps your store's message dynamic and relevant.

Your Brand, your control

You control the message. The screen sells your products.

It works Day and Night selling your products and services

You can put a screen in the window and it can market your goods and services 24x7.

Gaining a Competitive Edge

In a crowded marketplace, digital signage advertises your shop. Its dynamic nature and ability to wow customers give you a serious advantage over traditional, static displays. People looking at your window will take a few seconds to look at a static sign and much longer looking at a dgital one.


The Time is Now

Keep your company from falling behind! Digital signage is the way of the future, not a fad. You may modernise your business, provide customers with a shopping experience, and make more sales by utilising this technology.

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Top 5 Insurance Claims Aussie SMEs Need to Brace For


Insurance a person falling in shop

I received a study from my insurance company and found it interesting and useful, so I thought it would be useful to my clients, too. 

We all know running a retail business in Australia takes dedication and a keen eye for managing risks. Understanding the most common reasons for insurance claims can help us protect our business. Here, I will discuss the top five insurance claims that we face, plus some actionable tips to help you reduce your risks.

One point I will say before I even start getting a few quotes: I was quoted $20,000 by one insurance company and another $5,000 for what looked to be similar policies, Did you figure out why the big difference, I could not?

1. Theft and Burglary: Protecting Your Assets

Retail businesses are tempting targets for criminals, so you need a security plan. Here's how to deter thieves and protect what you've built:

  • Cameras: Install a good system, I had one client put one in the backroom and discovered that thieves were coming through a small window and taking things.
  • Good alarm: They do work; one caveat is that a modern thief often knows how long he has before the police come from when the alarm goes off. I had one client who had frequent breaks in his shop. The thief would break the window, run in, take some items, run out, go in the car, and be gone by the time the police arrived.
  • Secure every entry point: Use robust locks on all doors and windows, and don't overlook potential vulnerabilities like ceiling spaces or vents.
  • Let there be light: Good lighting deters criminals and makes suspicious activity harder to hide.
  • Background checks and a vigilant team: Screen employees carefully, have a clear anti-theft policy, and encourage staff to report anything unusual.
  • Track your valuables: In your POS Software, you have an asset register; why not use it?  
  • Consider extra protection: Consider a locked display stand for businesses with high-value goods or in high-crime areas. 

2. Storm Damage: When Mother Nature Strikes

The increasing intensity of storms makes it crucial to protect your business. Water damage, power surges, and building collapse from strong winds can quickly disrupt your operations.

  • Maintain your roof and ceilings: Regular inspections and repairs can prevent devastating leaks and structural problems. 
  • Don't let water linger: Clear gutters, drains, and downpipes to prevent flooding risks.
  • Trim those trees: Overhanging branches pose a significant risk during storms. I had a client who had a tree branch storm fall on his roof and smash into his shop.
  • Safeguard your electronics: Turn off equipment you do not use at night; saving you money on electrical bills and saving a few trees will stop electrical surges. A good UPS  can also help protect your computer from surges often during storms.

3. Liability Claims: Safety is your responsibility

Protect your business from these costly scenarios:

  • Safety first: Keep floors clean and dry, mark any hazards, and ensure good lighting, especially in customer-facing areas.
  • Restrict access to hazardous areas: Identify areas with machinery, dangerous substances, or work in progress and limit public access.
  • Train your team: Educate them on handling customers' property, safety procedures, and how to prevent accidents.
  • Quality control is critical: Make sure your products meet all safety standards and have robust checks throughout production.
  • Cameras: If people fall, it's great to have camera footage to record what happened; it may help in court.

4. Property Damage:

Property damage is a big one.

  • Maintenance matters: Regular repairs and servicing might seem expensive, but they're far cheaper than dealing with significant damage later. A client had a roof that leaked and ruined a lot of stock with water damage. He thought it was a one-off, so he left it. A few days later, another big rain happened, and it leaked again.
  • Please keep it clean: Promptly remove waste and clutter to discourage pests, reduce fire risks, and prevent trip hazards.

5. Machinery/Equipment Breakdown: When Your Tools Let You Down

Relying on machinery and equipment means being prepared for potential breakdowns. Minimize costly downtime with these steps:

  • Store it right: Proper storage conditions protect equipment from dust, moisture, and extreme temperatures. 
  • Know how to use it: Ensure you know how to use and care for the machinery.
  • Don't ignore warning signs: If a machine starts acting up, investigate and fix the issue promptly to avoid a major breakdown. A computer making funny noises is actually saying something.
  • Have a backup plan: Consider how you'll keep operating or minimize impact if a critical piece of equipment fails.


By understanding these top risks, SMEs can proactively safeguard their business. Investing in security, prioritizing maintenance, and fostering a culture of safety awareness is key. Remember, insurance although a valuable safety net, is only a last resort.

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Get faster POS Software Performance now


Time to get a new network

Today, in retail, speed is so important. A slow point-of-sale (POS) system costs you time, money, and customers. The most successful solution now for speed is upgrading your network. We can turbocharge your POS System performance to get more speed.

Your Network: The Backbone of Your POS System

Picture your network as the highway system connecting all the parts of your POS Software system. Like a highway, a strong network lets information zip back and forth without slowdowns. If your network is old, outdated, or suffering under too much load, your speed will go down, and you and your customers will feel it.

Consumer Report study found:

That customers were willing to wait for 13 minutes, but disturbingly found Almost two-thirds said they would wait two minutes or less and 13% said that "no wait time is acceptable."

Upgrade Your Network Cards: The Game-Changer

Modernizing your network cards is one of the most powerful ways to speed up your POS. Think of these cards as the traffic cops directing data on your network. Older cards can get overwhelmed, creating digital bottlenecks. Newer models offer:

  • Wider Roads (Higher Bandwidth): More data can flow simultaneously, making transactions lightning-fast.
  • Security Checkpoints: The latest protection protects your data from cyber threats that could crash your system.
  • Smooth Sailing: Updated cards work better with the latest POS software and hardware, meaning fewer compatibility headaches.

Don't Forget Windows Updates!

Just like you keep your store looking its best, keeping Windows updated is super important for your POS. Updates aren't just about security– they also fix bugs, boost performance, and ensure your system plays nicely with all your devices. Think of it as a regular tune-up for your POS!

Upgrade Teamwork: Network + Windows

Upgraded network cards and up-to-date Windows are the absolute dream team. That's when you get the smoothest, fastest system possible. Imagine a super-efficient highway with the best traffic control working together – now your POS data can fly!

Watch Out for Outdated Cables

Your cables play a surprisingly important role in your network's overall health. Outdated network cables frequently become damaged, worn, or lack modern technology, slowing down your POS System. If your store still uses older cables, they could be causing bottlenecks that slow down your POS. Upgrading to newer, more robust cables can make a noticeable difference in speed and stability.

Real Businesses, Real Results

Here's what other retailers are saying about network upgrades:

  • "Our system was constantly lagging, especially when it got busy. After upgrading, we're processing sales way faster. Customers are happier, we're happier!" 
  • "Keeping customers moving fast was a big worry. The new network features and Windows updates have made our system run even better."

The Bottom Line: Your POS Can Be Amazing

Don't let a slow network hold you back! By investing a bit of time and attention into modernizing your network cards and keeping Windows updated, you'll unlock the full incredible power of your POS software. Say hello to blazing-fast transactions, super-satisfied customers, and a business ready to take off.

Ready to Upgrade Your POS Performance?

  • Check Your Network Cards: Need advice on what upgrades make sense? We're here to help!
  • Get Those Windows Updates: It's easy and makes a big difference.

Let us know how we can help you achieve lightning-fast POS performance!


Improving POS software performance is crucial for businesses aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Looking forward to experiencing the speed boost and smoother transactions with this update

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The Alarming Rise of Shoplifting in Retail, in early 2024


Areas marked for high shoptheft

The retail industry is facing a crisis. Since COVID struck, we have seen shoplifting incidents rising across Australia. This threatens the livelihoods of retail and undermines the safety of our communities. This surge should alert retailers, law enforcement, and industry bodies alike to clarify that urgent action is needed.

The Sobering Reality: Staggering Statistics

Here are some statistics from Victoria’s Crime Statistics Agency in their latest report.

Shoplifting offences had increased in the 12 months to September by 7308, or 27.9 per cent, to 26,229 – the highest on record.

I found some figures for some other states here

This is a summary of the stark picture:

  • Victoria: Shoplifting offences increased 27.9% in just 12 months, reaching 26,229 incidents—an all-time high.
  • Western Australia: Shoplifting is up over 40% compared to last year, significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels in 2019.
  • New South Wales: A 36.1% surge in offences totalling 27,015, surpassing figures from previous years.
  • Queensland: Shoplifting incidents were consistently higher in 2023 than in any month of the past two decades.
  • South Australia: A shocking 31% increase in offences, with 17,572 cases recorded.

I just got some figures from the United Kingdom. 

Their figures mirror this trend, with a 37% jump in offences, the highest since records began in 2003.

The Root of the Problem: More Than Just Cost of Living

In my experience, while the rising living costs may contribute, but the erosion of law enforcement also plays a significant role in fueling this shoplifting epidemic.

Your Bottom Line: Understanding Shrinkage

The critical first step for any retailer is understanding your "shrinkage." This is the gap between the inventory you should have and what you have. Shrinkage is caused by:

  • Shoplifting
  • Employee theft
  • Errors & paperwork mistakes
  • Spoilage & damage

Calculating Shrinkage:

  1. Full Formula: (Starting Inventory) + (Purchases) - (Sales) * (1-Profit Margin) - (Ending Inventory) = Shrinkage
  2. Quick Estimate: (Purchases) - (Sales) * (1-Profit Margin) = Approx. Shrinkage
  3. Shoplifting Rule of Thumb: Roughly 1/3 of shrinkage is often due to shoplifting.

Why Calculate?

  • Awareness: Forces you to face the actual impact on your business.
  • Targets Prevention: Is it specific items? A problem aisle? Numbers guide solutions.
  • Measure Improvement: Did your new security measures reduce shrinkage?

Make a planogram for shoplifting.

This tells you the extent of the problem by quantifying current shrinkage levels and identifying problem areas. Drawing problem planograms in the shop of the problem places helps a lot.

Planogram of the shop

A picture is worth a thousand words.

This image could be a planogram of your shop with your problem areas marked.

The information is available from your stocktake figures.

Blue = Good

Yellow = Moderate to bad

Red = Very bad

blank = Zero

See how it visually shows the problem areas.

Detail on how to do it are available here.

YOUR Business Defense Checklist

The fight against shoplifting demands a comprehensive approach:

  • Staff are Key: Train employees to spot shoplifters, intervene safely, and understand protocol.
  • Technology as Ally: Invest in modern security systems, such as cameras, anti-theft tags, and data analytics to spot patterns.
  • Eyes on the Floor: Redesign aisles for visibility and remove blind spots where thieves hide. Do a simple experiment: walk around your shop and imagine you are a shoplifter. Now, where do you strike?
  • Draw a map of your shop: Mark the places with the highest shoplifting. Details above.
  • Never Stop Learning: Shoplifting tactics evolve; look up YouTube as many shoplifters explain how they do it. 

Calculate Your Shrinkage Now

The fight against shoplifting is an ongoing battle for the soul of our retail sector. By understanding your losses and acting decisively, you protect not only your own business but the well-being of your entire community. Let's stand together to make our stores safer and our businesses stronger and reclaim a sense of security for everyone.

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Best Practices for Managing User Identifiers



Safeguard Your Retail Business by ensuring accountability.

Running a retail business means every transaction matters. That's why managing user identifiers (IDs) in your point of sale (POS) software is critical for protecting your data and ensuring everyone is accountable. Our goal is to help businesses like yours stay secure. From bitter experience, I can tell you that most problems here are not the controls in the system but people not using them. Let's dive into the why and how of effective user ID management!

Why Unique User Identifiers Matter

Simple: one employee, one ID. Here's why that rule is so essential:

  • Accountability: Unique IDs allow you to track precisely who did what in the system. This is vital for solving problems, addressing concerns, and keeping clear records.
  • Data Integrity: Shared IDs open the door for errors or intentional wrongdoing. Individual IDs keep your sales records accurate and trustworthy.
  • Performance Monitoring: Unique IDs let you see how individuals are performing. This helps recognise star employees or find areas where extra training might be needed for the whole team.

Implementation and Best Practices

Ready to boost your security? Follow these key steps:

  1. Secure Credentials: Create strict rules for passwords (demand a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols!) that must be changed regularly. Birthdays are a joke.
  2. Limit Access: Give each person the minimum level of system access they need to get their job done.
  3. Audit Trails: Detailed logs show who did what (and when) once you do this. These are your best friend when investigating anything unusual.
  4. User Training: Make it clear how important it is for everyone to protect their own ID and to report anything suspicious they see.
  5. Regular Reviews: Deactivate old IDs when employees leave and double-check that everyone's access levels still match their current job duties.

Real-World Impact: Why This Matters

I learned firsthand how critical unique IDs are when our client faces a legal issue. Their POS records were thrown out in court because the shared login meant anyone could have taken the actions in question. That's a risk no business needs!


Managing user IDs correctly is key to a secure and well-run retail operation. By taking the steps we discussed—those unique IDs, careful access levels, and clear records—you're investing in a stronger and more reliable business.


ANZAC Day 2024 - POS Software Support


ANZAC Day is more than just a public holiday in Australia. It's a day when we come together to remember the brave men and women who have served our country in wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping missions. It's a day of reflection, gratitude, and respect.


My Connection

I've always held a special place in my heart for ANZAC Day. I remember my Dad, a World War II veteran who fought in New Guinea in WW2, taking me to the Dawn Service, and I saw him march when I was a kid. I remember him marching in the unit; sadly, I doubt any of them are still with us. Many years later, I remember my aunty looking with me at the march, saying even the Korean War veterans look old. 

Do you remember this photo that went viral a few years back?

She was 99 years old then and stated it would be her last march.

Support on ANZAC Day

Rest assured, our after-hours and after-hours support lines will be fully operational throughout the day, giving you peace of mind.

Remember, many retailers adjust their opening hours on ANZAC Day, so you might too.

Lest We Forget

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Navigating 2024, from the poll research


The Australian retail landscape is in flux; we all know that what is essential with these studies is not just what they say but also what others, for example, banks that control the finances and prospective buyers and their accountants, are being told. These people control the inflow of money.

What we do know is that retailers face obstacles.

- We have a rising cost of living

- We have significant supply chain challenges

- Shifting consumer preferences

As everywhere, only those who are willing to adapt and evolve do well.

Let's dissect some critical insights from Roy Morgan's recent retail address and a lively discussion between retail experts Laura Deasi and Paul Zara, CEO of the Australian Retailers Association.

Key Takeaways from the Roy Morgan Address

  • Population growth is vital: Australia's growing population has been a lifeline, somewhat shielding us from a full-blown recession. These people have been a big help to retailers.
  • The cost-of-living bites: Rising costs disproportionately affect young families with children. However, some sectors and demographics still have spending power. The traditional pattern in such circumstances is that men's products go down, followed by kids' and women's products.
  • Changing spending patterns: Consumers are reducing spending in some categories but increasing in others. There's a surge of interest in bargain hunting and sustainable options.

The Rise of Online Giants

  • Amazon's Dominance: Amazon is rapidly expanding its customer base and is now one of Australia's top five non-food retailers. Their vast stock and focus on fast delivery pose a significant challenge to brick-and-mortar retailers.
  • Ultra-Cheap Challengers: Shein and Temu have entered the scene with rock-bottom prices. However, concerns about quality and ethics may turn some consumers away in the long run.

What Does This Mean for Aussie Retailers?

Paul Zara and Laura Deasi offered valuable advice and considerations:

  • Value is the New Currency: Price matters more than ever, but it's not just about the cheapest deal. Emphasise quality, durability, and your product's long-term benefits.
  • The Ethics Factor: Consumers are increasingly conscious of your company's ethics. My advice still applies: Do not fall into this trap as whatever you do many will not like it.
  • Online presence: I do not know how or why anyone would want to escape without an online presence.  Offer something and have "click-and-collect" options. A modern and robust online presence is essential for meeting the expectations of today's shoppers.
  • Tech to the Rescue: Your point-of-sale (POS) system can be your best ally.
    • Streamline operations: Automate tasks to reduce overhead and free up time for customer service.
    • Personalise experiences: Use our CRM features to provide recommendations and targeted promotions.
    • Data-driven decisions: Track sales patterns and inventory levels to optimize your offerings and minimise waste.

Your Competitive Edge: The Human Element

Retail has always been a people-powered industry. While tech upgrades are vital, the exceptional in-store experience remains a decisive advantage for brick-and-mortar stores:

  • Become an expert: Offer valuable product knowledge and tailored recommendations that online giants can't replicate. Coles has even little things like greeting cards, but I will not get any advice there on the sort of card I need.
  • Build relationships: Friendly, personalised service creates loyal customers who become your advocates.
  • Community connections: As Paul Zara emphasizes, physical stores are the heart of local communities. Support community causes to show that your values extend beyond sales.

The Future of Retail – Adapt and Thrive

The retail landscape is constantly evolving. Businesses with the foresight to adapt have a chance to excel:

  • Embrace innovation: New technologies can transform your operations.
  • Test and learn: Experiment with new products, displays, and promotions. If they work, double down. If they fail, be ruthless and get rid of them. Do not reinforce a defeat.
  • Partnerships matter: Collaborate with as many people as you can.

To do well in 2024, we need to focus. 

Don't be held captive by what worked before; the future requires fresh thinking and bold action.

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The Rise of Cashless Point of Sale: Are You Ready?


I recently had a surprising experience at a large supermarket. I went to pay and was told to go to another cash register as this one could not handle cash! While I'd seen this once at a trade show, it was the first time it had been in a mainstream store. This got me thinking that we are genuinely nearing the end of cash, despite what banks and governments say. Soon I expect many shops will introduce a surcharge for cash.

The Australian Cash Exodus

The numbers don't lie. The Global Payments Report predicts a dramatic shift – by 2025, cash will likely account for just 2% of the value in all point-of-sale transactions. It's not going away entirely, but other methods will dwarf the amount we spend using physical cash.  Unsurprisingly, it notes that ATM withdrawals also decline as people ditch cash.

Convenience and Security

We are also seeing the successors to credit and debit cards coming with digital wallets on our smartphones. These are far more secure. Think about it: a thief can potentially use a stolen card, but with a smartphone app, they'd need your phone, access to it, and usually your fingerprint. It's a big leap in protection!

Smartphone payment with security

Brick-and-Mortar Retailers: Time to Adapt

This cashier-less trend isn't just curious; it's a real opportunity for small businesses. Here's why upgrading your point-of-sale system makes sense:

- Efficiency:  No more fumbling with notes and coins means faster checkout. Customers love speed!

- Improved Security:    Less cash on-site drastically reduces the risk of theft.

- Enhanced Customer Experience:   People demand payment choices; cashless often feels to them secure and streamlined.

Embracing the Cashless Evolution

The retail world changes quickly. To stay ahead of the game, adaptability is key. Cashless point-of-sale solutions aren't just a trend but likely the future standard.

A Personal Note

Change can be unsettling – I remember when cards themselves were the new, scary thing! The same will happen with the shift away from cash. I know we now have and are selling cashless registers.

Ready to Make the Shift?

Our POS software is designed with both cashless and traditional payments in mind. Get your free consultation today, and let's future-proof your business together!


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Modern laptops, powerful tools for your business


Let us talk about boosting your efficiency with the speed you need.

As a retailer, you're always busy with tasks in your store. Technology updates might not seem key, but modern laptops give great perks that can change your daily work. In a typical work meeting, we all sit around a table with our laptops open.

Meeting with laptops

Let's Talk Laptops

Laptops are everywhere for a reason! Here's the lowdown on what you need to consider:

Limited Upgrades: Unlike desktop computers, there's less ability to swap out internal components in a laptop. Usually, what you buy is what you get.

Warranty: Warranties today are often really good on laptops. Still, there is one big problem: opening your laptop to upgrade it yourself could leave you without warranty protection if something goes wrong.

Speed is King: Modern laptops are much faster! Recently, we upgraded a client from an i7 to an i9 model. The speed boost was clear – a report that used to churn away for 35 seconds on their older laptop i7 now finishes in just 20 seconds on the new i9! 

Computer Noticeability: Don't think speed boosts are too small to notice! Humans are quick – we can perceive changes on a screen within a few hundred milliseconds. You will see the difference. If it's like 15 seconds, as above, you, the customer you're talking to, and everyone else will notice the delay.

The Power in Your Hands

The right modern laptop puts so much power at your fingertips as a small business owner:

Portability: With a laptop, your work goes wherever you do – home, meetings, supplier office to check your sales figures and allows you to work from anywhere, e.g. a cafe.

Reliability: Newer computers mean fewer glitches, less downtime and headaches.

Enhanced Customer Experience: No one likes waiting on a slow computer! A snappy machine lets you serve customers faster, keeping lines moving and everyone happy.

Ready to Make the Leap?

If you need a tech update, get in touch! We can help you find the perfect modern laptop to streamline your small retail business and give you a competitive edge.


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A done something is better than a perfect nothing...



Today is a continuing rant.

Have you ever felt frozen before starting a task because it's not perfect? Here's the thing—aiming for perfection can stop you from doing anything at all! I've learned this lesson over and over. When I began this blog, it was all over the place initially, but it improved dramatically, mainly as I learned more.

Perfectionism Kills Progress

Years ago, I worked with a supplier who wanted to improve their data reporting using our POS software. Sounds simple, right? Except every POS system handles data differently. Figuring out what was possible and what wasn't became a mess. I said, "Do something, and we can get 90% of what you need immediately, as we can prove things later as we learn more. You'd think they'd be keen, but nope, because they did not have 100%. And guess what's happened after years when I approached them recently? Nothing. Zero progress.

A newsagent in WA delayed launching online website for ages, obsessing over his perfect website, he now has also nothing. Zero progress.. Meanwhile, other newsagents put websites and so brought in extra income.

The Power of 'Something' - Start Now

Here's the thing, folks: Something is better than perfect.

  • Start now, improve later: You can continually refine and polish. Progress opens doors that staying stuck never will.
  • Learn by doing: Tweaking a system in use gets better results than planning endlessly for a system that doesn't exist.
  • Avoid decision paralysis: Too many options can be overwhelming. Just pick something and move forward.

Think About It:

Imagine you're a retailer:

  • Option 1: You fussed over the 'perfect' Facebook page, so now you have no Facebook page.
  • Option 2: Launch a Facebook page. Start advertising, and make it better over time.

Which option makes more business sense?

The Point of POS

POS software is a plain and simple tool. Its whole purpose is to help sell stuff and manage your shop. Here's how to approach it:

Problem 'Perfect' Solution 'Something' Solution
Inventory is a mess Get the POS Solutions focus engine going Start with a simple stocktake, and get organised.
No customer data Worry about the finer points of our CRM system Gather basic information and start selling now.
Learn to use our sales reports Wait till you learn it Use what you know now and build as you learn more.

The Benefits of Doing Something

The benefits of taking action over perfection are numerous. Some key advantages include:

  1. Incremental Improvement: By taking small steps and implementing a "done something" approach, clients can gradually improve their systems and processes over time rather than waiting for the perfect solution that never materialises.
  2. Faster Results: Even if it's not perfect, doing something can often lead to quicker results than waiting for the ideal solution to be developed.
  3. Feedback and Iteration: By taking action and implementing a solution, clients can receive valuable feedback and use that to iterate and improve their systems over time.
  4. Reduced Risk: Not doing anything often has more significant risks than trying and messing up. When you try, you learn and can fix things as you go. 
  5. Increased Confidence: Seeing tangible progress and results can help you gain confidence in your ability to implement new systems and technologies, which can lead to success in the long run.


Even if not perfect, doing something is better than doing nothing. This idea is vital for all shop owners. It's about acting and moving forward, not getting stuck trying to be perfect. Doing this lets you see real gains for your business over time.

For a case study, click here.

Got a story about this? Share YOUR 'imperfect action' victory in the comments for inspiration!


How to keep your Business Records Safe in the Long-Term


As a retailer, you need to keep records for years. Government regulations, legal needs, or even access to old customer data are all important! I sometimes had to access very old information just for commercial reasons 20+ years ago.

Now, have you thought about how long your digital records will last?

Sadly, the hard drives and discs we use aren't built for centuries like those old carvings archaeologists up to today. Let's look into long-term storage so you make the right choices.

What Lasts, What Doesn't, and How to Make it Better

  • Cloud storage: Theoretically, it lasts forever, but there will be issues.
  • Magnetic Tapes to the Rescue? These can, under ideal conditions, last a long time, but few of us actually have the specialised equipment. Besides, it's often a pain to use.
  • Old fashion Hard Drives: Most work for about 3-7 years, although a lucky few last longer. For them to keep storing, you need to use them; otherwise, they deteriorate after about two years. 
  • SSDs: Most SSDs won't outlive their 5-10-year warranties and, if left unused, will deteriorate faster than old-fashioned hard drives to refresh the data system
  • Optical Discs: Please aim for quality; write-once media like Verbatim Gold have more extended longevity, and the cheaper ones have much less; for CDs and DVDs, you are looking depending on the type for 5 to 100 years. When I went to the Verbatim website and looked at their warranty here, I noticed that they only give two years, which does not include a data retention guarantee. The courts may have something to say about that, but few people want to have to argue this in court.

Most people today, when looking at very long-term storage, look at DVDs today as they are both convenient and economical if so: 

Protecting Your Precious Data on CDs and DVDs:

It depends on three main factors:

1) Have more than one backup. I would argue that you do not have a backup if you only have one backup. These two backups should be stored in different places so that if anything happens to one location, the other is safe elsewhere.

2)  You need good quality DVDs. There are good reasons why they are a bit dearer. This comes from a Canadian government study, which you can find here.

Long term CD and DVD life

3) Environment matters!

Pick a place 

  • Cool & Dry: Store items at around 20°C with about 40% humidity. Heat and humidity are the silent killers! This can be a problem as we often go above this in summer. Do you have a cellar? Avoid garages or attics where temperatures can swing wildly!
  • The Dark Side: Store discs in cases out of direct sunlight. I put a sealed plastic bag over them.
  • Peace & Quiet: Avoid putting the discs where they will be moved or dropped.

Cloud Storage

As the limitations of physical storage have become increasingly apparent, cloud storage emerges as a compelling solution for preserving your digital legacy. In theory, entrusting your data to a reputable cloud provider can overcome many of these problems.


  • Accuracy: Today, many Cloud storage providers offer an astonishing rate of accuracy in their storage capacity. One I saw doing an online search offering 99.999999999% (that's 11 9s!) data durability. That far exceeds the reliability of any physical media.
  • Dispersed storage: Many Cloud providers will keep your data in many different geographically dispersed data centres, thus ensuring redundancy and resilience.
  • Easy access: Your data is available on-demand from any internet-connected device, anytime, anywhere.


  • Cost: Generally, it costs, although many, like Google and Microsoft, do have a limited free plan.
  • Future uncertainity: Considering the period of time we are looking at here, a cloud provider could go out of business, change its policy and who knows what.  
  • Policy: Some cloud providers, e.g. Google, state that they "reserve the right to delete an inactive Google Account and its activity and data if you are inactive across Google for at least two years." So every two years, you have to go into your account to say hey, this account is still active. Its not a big ask but its not entirely setup and forget.
  • Remembering passwords: Cloud accounts work through account names, passwords, and increasingly mobile numbers. Over the next 10 to 20 years, how will you remember these details? Will you have the same mobile number then? If someone else has access to your account and passwords then they also can get your data. 
  • Control: In an overall sense you do lack control.
  • Privacy concerns: Be aware of potential changes in data privacy laws or a provider's terms of service. Although few of my clients has an issue here now, the privacy laws are slowly turning to the idea that much data businesses stored must be held in Australia, not an issue now but who knows in 10 to 20 years. 

Still today Cloud storage does offers a tempting solution for long-term record keeping.

Summing up:

Overall my preference would be to burn two copies of my business records into a good quality DVD. Put them in my business records in a safe place in my house in a box as here

Long term storage

and put somewhere in a safe spot in my house. I would then put on a free sevice like Google a copy which I could access anytime, anywhere.

Want to get your data storage sorted? Contact us for a free consultation!


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Use space to maximize Your Shop's profits


Running a shop can be a problem if you don't have much room.  This is a common problem as most of us have more stock than we can display. Don't let that hold you back! You can turn your shop into a sales machine by understanding your customers and applying clever design tricks.

Why Your Store Layout Matters

A well-designed store does more than look good. It caters to your target customers' needs, guides them effortlessly through your space, and highlights your best products. When customers feel comfortable and understood, they're more likely to find what they need, linger longer, and buy more!

Know Your Audience: The Key to Smart Layout Decisions

Before rearranging shelves, take time to understand your ideal customers. 

  • Demographics: What's the age range, gender, and general lifestyle of your target shoppers? Guys are generally taller than women so that the items can be higher for them; for kids, the stuff must be right down low.
  • Shopping Habits: Do they prefer browsing leisurely, or are they in-and-out shoppers? If they want speed, you need the items at the counter so they can come in, do the sale quickly and leave quickly. Also, do they tend to come in alone or with others?
  • Pain Points: What problems do your products or services solve for them?

Your Secret Weapon: Your POS Data (and a Little Observation)

Your POS System can do much more than just be a simple cash register. It's full of clues about your customers and what they like to buy. 

Here's how you can use this data and watch what happens in your store to make smarter choices on how to arrange things:

Identifying Your Powerhouse Products

  • Best Sellers Report: This tells you precisely what's performing well. Place these top performers front and centre for maximum visibility. 

Go to the top N stock report, which you can find in the Register reports.

report highlighting best-selling items

We then put in a period, say the last two months; this will show you what is selling now, then when you have your list of best sellers nicely ordered by quantity, profit and sales.

Pay attention to the colors and sizes.

Think about using lights and signs to make them stand out more.

  • Companion Sales Report: This report unveils items that are frequently purchased together. Placing them strategically throughout your store can boost sales. Think of how grocery stores place snacks near the drinks section.

Go to Sales-Register > Dissection Companion Sales by Period.

Try looking for an abnormally high number of products for other stuff that sells well with that department. It is beneficial as it can help you select a product to display prominently near a department. This is a well-known method of increasing incremental sales that all majors use.

You take items that sell well with the products of another department and place some of them in that other department's area. There is nothing wrong with a good seller having a few spots in the shop. 

Like this one, a stand of good sellers in a prominent position is always good.


Giftshop stand

Retail analytics of inventory that sells with other items

As you can see here (green arrow), quite a few extra sales could be made by moving some other companies' chocolates close to Darrel Lea Chocolates. Darrel Lea may not like it, but ....

Another great use is more long-term. If grouped by department, you can get a feel of where you should position the display for the department. As you can see here by the green arrow, the books should be close to the stationery.

Report of best selling items

If people looking at your book can see your stationery, you may be able to make a few extra sales. 

These KPIs can give you ideas into which products to display prominently.

Traffic Patterns

Don't discount the insights you can gain by observing how customers move through your store. Are there areas that seem to get ignored? Do people get bottlenecked in a particular spot?  Are there areas that let the customer go too quickly? Use this information to fine-tune your layout.

Data-Driven Merchandising Strategies

Here are some practical ways to apply these insights:

  • Highlight Bestsellers: Your top-selling items deserve prime real estate. Give them prominent shelf space, consider eye-catching displays, and enhance visibility with strategic lighting and signage.
  • Promote Companion Products: Place items often bought together within easy reach.
  • Seasonal Shifts: Adapt your layout based on historical sales data.
  • Clearance Corner or Dump Bin: Designate a small "dump bin" area for heavily discounted items.  This is an excellent way of getting rid of dead stock.

More Tips for a Small-Space-Friendly Layout

  • Embrace Vertical Storage: Use shelves, hooks, and racks to reach upwards.
  • Let There Be Light: Good lighting makes your store inviting and highlights merchandise.
  • Keep it Tidy: A well-organized shop feels bigger.
  • Create an Illusion of more space: Light colours generally make a room feel bigger.
  • Get Creative with Signage: Clear signage to advertise your products.

Case Study

  • The Bookshop Upgrade: We had a client who sold books. He knew his customers loved to browse, so he arranged the bookshelves to create small, inviting nooks. He then put in a couple of comfortable chairs. This encouraged shoppers to linger and discover new titles.

Remember: It's an Ongoing Process

Trends change, and your customers' tastes evolve. Stay flexible, and don't be afraid to experiment!

The Bottom Line

By understanding your customers, using your data effectively, and getting a little creative, you'll create a retail environment that's welcoming, efficient, and drives sales – regardless of your square footage!

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Prepare for Palm-Based Payment Solutions.




It appears the way people will pay is changing, and Australian retailers need to know. While not yet available in Australia, palm-based payment technology is gaining traction in the US. I see it appearing here soon.

What is Palm-Based Payment?

This technology links customers' unique vein patterns in palm prints to credit/debit cards. At checkout, a person whose palm is registered hovers their hand over a scanner. The scanner reads their vein structure and sends the details to the bank for payment authorisation. Such systems are already in use at select locations in the US. 

The Advantages for Retailers

  • Seamless Transactions: Say goodbye to customers fumbling for cards or struggling to remember PINs.
  • Time: Palm scanning offers faster transactions, saving shoppers and staff valuable time.
  • Heightened Security: Biometric data is incredibly difficult to replicate, adding a robust layer of security and fraud protection. We now have a big problem with customers making transactions, paying by card, and then claiming it was not them. I had one client whose credit card was stolen, and by the time she found out, which was less than an hour, her card had been used in thousands of dollars of transactions.

The Disadvantages for Retailers

I confess I do not see any.

Still some issues to chew on would be:

  • Cost: The readers may be expensive, and who pays for these palm scanners may be an issue.
  • Integration: I do not see any potential integration issues with our point-of-sale systems, but if you do not use our POS System, you may want to make some enquiries.
  • Privacy: I think we all feel a general uneasiness about our privacy. Mark Zuckerberg from Facebook once said the age of privacy is over, and he is probably right. Still, it's tough to accept this fact.
  • Training: We all need to be trained on how to use it until we all get used to it. I can see someone using the wrong hand and not knowing why it is not working.

What Aussie Retailers Should Do

  • Get Informed: Stay up-to-date on the latest developments in biometric payments.
  • Monitor Customer Sentiment: Gauge your customers' comfort level with biometric technologies. Their openness will factor into adoption.
  • Prepare for the Future: While immediate implementation is not necessary, consider how your payment infrastructure could adapt to support biometric options in the future.

The Takeaway

Palm-based payments and biometrics as a whole are set to transform the way we pay. While the timeline of widespread adoption in Australia is uncertain, being informed and prepared positions your retail business for success in this evolving landscape.

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Retailers can sell more by active Cross-Selling


If you run a shop, one of the best ways to make more sales is by mastering cross-selling, which suggests extra related items to your customer's purchase. Doing this can help you make each sale worth more.


Shopper in a shopping centre

I can assure you that this woman above did not come to this centre knowing what she would buy in all these bags.


Why Suggesting Extra Items Works Well

Suggesting extra, related items to customers as they buy or browse can help because it:

Makes Shopping Better: When you suggest items that fit your customer's needs or likes, you show you understand them. 
Raises Sale Value: Customers buying more items means each sale brings in more money, which is great for your shop.
Keeps Customers Coming Back: Offering a shopping experience that feels special and tailored just for the customer makes them want to return to your store, building loyalty.

Digging Into the Good Stuff About Suggesting Extras

Suggesting extras can do wonders, but let’s look at some real examples of how it helps small shops:

More Money Made: Research shows that shops selling extra items can see a big jump in sales. 
More Profit: Suggesting items with higher profit margins as extras can mean more money in the bank. Most profit is made not on the items that the customer came on, but the add-on sales.

How to Be Great at Suggesting Extras

Use Your POS System

Go to Cash Register Reports > Sales Register > Stock Companion Sales by Period. See the green arrow below.

Choose a stock item, add its past year's data, and receive a full report on earnings, sales, and more.

This report will give you details on how much money the item made, how many were sold, and additional information. With this information, you can determine whether an item that sells slowly and doesn't bring in much money by itself draws in customers who then buy other items that make more money.

Pick Best Pairs: Find what items are often bought together and suggest these combos to customers.
Keep Getting Better: Always check how well your selling tactics work and tweak them based on what the numbers tell you.

Train Your Team

Your staff plays a big part in successful extra selling. Make sure they are:

Well-trained: Teach your team to ask for a related item, e.g. they brought a kid's game. Do they need a card?

Know Your Products Well: Help your team learn all about what you sell so they can suggest items that go well together.

Build People Skills: Teach your staff to really listen and talk in a way that feels real and helpful, making shopping fun for customers.

Know What Buyers Like: Understand what your shoppers prefer and use it to make your suggestions feel personal.

Easy Ways to Do It:

Scripts: Work out some lines that work with your customers to get them to consider other products and services you offer.
Lists: This works well. Make a list of your shop's top sellers and display it prominently; people will look at the products after seeing this list.

Make Your Shop Inviting

The way your shop looks and feels can help sell more, too. Try these ideas:

Put Things Together: Place items that go well together in the same spot so buyers can spot and grab them.
Make Displays Pop: Use eye-catching setups to draw attention to items that go together, nudging folks to buy more.
Signs and Tags: Clear signs can highlight special deals and suggest items that add value to their buy.

By using these ways to sell more, you will increase sales for your small shop, improve customer shopping, and turn them into loyal fans.

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How Taylor Swift Concerts Rocked Retail Sales


The eras tour

How Taylor Swift Concerts Rocked Retail Sales: Over 600,00 fans going to see her sent up retail sales alright! It turns out these "Swifties" (that's what her fans call themselves) bought big.

What does this mean for you?

It is said, " The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today." – Elbert Hubbard.

As this case shows, in the bustling world of retail, retail fervour unfolds if you are prepared and able to capitalise on it in some way.

There was plenty to capitalise on as Ben Dorber, Australia Bureau of Statistics head of retail statistics, highlights out here in their Feb 2024 report that while he was looking at the figures, "Seven sold-out Taylor Swift concerts in Sydney and Melbourne boosted retail spending this month, with over 600,000 Swifties flocking to these events. This increased spending on clothing, merchandise, accessories and dining out", a national increase of 0.2%.

So, as a retailer, here's the deal:

  • Plan Ahead: Check calendars for big concerts, sporting matches, and festivals that will get wide media attention. 
  • Get Creative: Tap into the excitement of those events. Offer event-themed merchandise or promotions that capture the excitement.

A Real-World Win 

I read how one clothing boutique near a concert venue offered "Swiftie Style" t-shirts and discounts for anyone showing a concert ticket. The result, their sales did well.

The Big Takeaway

Even if your business isn't a direct match with the event, don't miss the opportunity! The right planning and creativity can help boost your sales when a big event is staged. Remember, even a slight increase in sales or getting your shop's name in front of new customers can have a lasting positive impact on your business!

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You need to win with personalisation in loyalty programs


Traditional loyalty programs based solely on points have hit a plateau. This has been the subject of a webinar I attended, and I have read several articles about it. The problem is that almost every business now in Australia is doing it, so the problem is that a business program is now competing with so many companies that it is struggling to make its program noticed. 

For some businesses, points work brilliantly, and we have no reason to believe that a traditional program of buying eleven cards/coffee and the 12th is free would not work well in the future. 

However, many businesses need differentiation, which is why many loyalty programs are moving into personalisation! Its called CRM.

"Mass marketing is dead. Personalization is the new frontier for loyalty programs." 

Now, I am worried about this in my client base:

The Challenges of Personalization for Smaller Retailers

Many of my clients are not huge and will face the following problems.

  • Limited Data: Unlike large corporations, they might not have vast troves of customer behaviour data.
  • Experts: Access to sophisticated consultants is lacking; they are often too busy to attend the many conferences that discuss this to get ideas.
  • Scale: It's tough to match the "wow" factor of rewards programs offered by big brands with extensive resources.
  • Time: Large brands are willing to run at a loss for ages to establish their program.

Overcoming the Obstacles: Practical Solutions

We have what we have; we can only play the hand we have, so we need actionable strategies for small retailers to personalise their loyalty programs:

  • Focus on Key Data: Your POS System collects the most valuable data points, e.g. purchase frequency and spending habits.
  • Simple Personalization: Often simple ideas work well, e.g. birthday discounts and email alerts for new products based on previous purchases; if a parent buys back-to-school products from you, what is wrong next year sending the parent an email that you have back-to-school products?
  • Local: Emphasize the genuine connection you have with the local community.
  • Local SEO: Make sure you appear in the local Google search high up.
  • The Human Touch: Enhance personalisation with handwritten thank you notes on your packing.

adding a thank you note

Affordable Tech to Boost Your Program

  • Your POS as a CRM: Your Point-of-Sale systems include built-in customer relationship management tools that allow you to track data, send targeted promotions, and build customer profiles.
  • Social Media Power: Please interact directly with your customers on social platforms such as Facebook (consider it free advertising).
  • Email Marketing: Use email newsletters to tell people you exist. Let me know if you do not know how to do this, and I will point you through it.

Additional Tips:

  • Be Adaptable: Don't be afraid to experiment and refine your rewards program based on what works for you.
  • Are you an expert in something you sell?: If so why not run a short course? 


"Personalization is the heart of every successful business. Treat every customer as a unique individual, not a number."

Personalisation doesn't require breaking the bank or having massive amounts of data. You can start with meaningful steps and gradually build on them. Remember, genuine connection is the ultimate competitive edge! Take the first step, experiment with personalisation, and watch your loyal customer base grow.


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How to increase sales


Front window of a shop

As a guy who has worked for a top point-of-sale (POS) system company, I have over the years met and talked to many retailers and retail experts, so here are simple tips on how to increase sales in your physical store that I have learned. Whether it's a small shop or a larger local chain, these strategies can I think you help you draw in more customers and make more money.

Make Your Shop Front Inviting

The first thing customers see is your shop front. Make it welcoming. Think about:

  • Please keep it clean: Have clean windows, a tidy entrance, and no mess around.
  • Bright signs: Use clear signs for your shop name, open hours, and deals or sales.
  • Seasonal decorations: Change your front display with the seasons to keep it fresh and exciting.

Click on this for some ideas

Improve the Shopping Experience

A great shopping experience keeps customers coming back. Here are some ideas:

Offer Top-Notch Customer Service

  • Train your team: Ensure your staff knows their stuff and pays attention to what customers want. I have always been proud that many people can sell computers, but people who buy from me know that my staff knows computers. I recommend this philosophy to every shop. For example, a few days ago, I went to a toy shop to buy a present for a four-year-old boy. I really did not know what to buy, but the people serving were very professional and helped me. I would come back.
  • Listen and fix problems: Take customer complaints seriously and resolve any issues quickly. A complaint is often a marketing opportunity. 
  • Add a personal touch: Small things like saying hi by name or remembering what they like can make a big difference.

Display Products Well

  • Set up items wisely: Put things that go together near each other and show off your best stuff where people can see it easily.
  • Be creative with displays. Try different ways of showing products to grab attention, like themed setups or stacked items. 

Use Digital Ways to Boost Sales

Mixing online and in-person tactics can raise your sales. Think about this:

  • Social media buzz: Use social media to discuss deals, showcase new items, and get people excited to visit. If you are missing out on this free advertising, you are not doing yourself much good.
  • Collect emails: The purpose of a VIP club must be to get customers' emails to send them news and special offers. It's not that they will often take it up, but what is more important is that they know you exist.

Use your POS System

Unlike your memory, the facts in your POS System do not lie. 

  • It watches what your customers do: Use data from your sales system to understand what people buy, like, and dislike.
  • Keep the right items in stock: Use data to determine what people buy.

Seasonality and Inventory Turnover

It's important to note that a retailer's sales often fluctuate throughout the year due to seasonality and marketing seasons.

To manage these changes:

  • Forecast: Use your historical sales data to anticipate peak and off-season inventory needs.
  • Diversify Your Product Mix: Try to stress items that sell all year round; too often, I see retailers after a holiday stuck with stock that no longer sells. 
  • Implement Promotional Strategies: Run sales and promotions during peak seasons to clear out remaining seasonal stock before the off-season starts and you are stuck with the stuff.

Putting these steps into action can really help your shop sell more and grow. The trick is always to be ready to change and try new things to ensure your customers' satisfaction.


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Reduce Shrinkage in Your Shop: Use your POS Software


POS System and security

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Did you know that retail crime, such as shoplifting, robbery, and vandalism, costs Australian businesses up to $9 billion each year? There are about 150,000 shops in Australia, so on average, these crimes cost $60,000 a shop.

Running a retail shop is a dream for many, but keeping profits healthy can be a challenge. One enemy is "shrinkage," which is the loss of inventory and, often more importantly, cash due to theft. While concerns about cyber hacking are primarily in the news and are certainly a concern, for most retail shops, the more significant threat comes from closer to home – employees and customers! The good news? Your POS (point of sale) software can be your best friend in the fight against shrinkage.

The Usual Suspects: Employees and Customers

Employee theft might seem surprising, but it's a common issue. Maybe it's a cashier taking a little extra from the register daily, like "voiding" a few sales to pocket the cash. Customers can also be creative – think of the sneaky barcode swaps where less expensive barcodes are taken off items and put on dearer items (the banana trick). Another popular idea is to give you only some of the items to scan. These actions might seem small but can add to a significant financial headache over time.

How POS Software Fights Back

Here's how your POS software can be your secret weapon against employee and customer shrinkage:

  • Catch Ringing Up the Wrong Register: Assign specific roles and permissions to each employee. This way, a cashier can't process returns without a manager, or a manager can't open the cash drawer freely, reducing the opportunity for mischief.

  • One Register per person: One computer can drive many cash registers. There is no reason why each staff member cannot be audited.

  • Goodbye, Phony Voids: Your POS System tracks every transaction, including voids. Check voids regularly. This makes it harder for someone to void and then "disappear" the sale.

  • Eagle Eye on Inventory: Use your POS to track inventory levels closely. Sudden unexplained drops could indicate missing items, and you can investigate before the problem gets bigger. Most large shops today run on cyclic stocktakes and we strongly suggest that your shop does it too. Once a year for a stocktake is not enough.

  • Barcode Blues? No More: When ringing up transactions, ensure the item's description matches the item. Some sneaky customers might try to swap barcodes for a cheaper price.

  • Surprise Audits! : Use your POS system's built-in reporting tools (x-Offs) to run random audits. This keeps everyone honest, knowing they might be the next one checked.

Real-Life Example

We had a client who discovered he was losing a surprising amount of inventory at his music store. He couldn't figure it out after implementing our POS system with stricter access controls and real-time inventory tracking. Guess what? The "disappearances" stopped! 

The Final Note

Protecting your business's initial dream means you need the right tools to protect it. If well-configured, your POS System can act as a security guard, making it much harder for anyone to steal from your shop. By combining intelligent software with good business practices (like clear policies and employee training), you can keep your shrinkage under control and your profits healthy. 

If you want to learn more on how to configure your POS system to fight shrinkage now, you can contact our support team.

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Protest - Cash Out Day 2024


Cash Out Day

Last week, the "Cash Out Day" protest highlighted a growing tension in Australia's payment landscape: the rapid decline in cash usage and its implications for businesses and consumers. On April 2nd, Australians were asked to go to an ATM and withdraw some money in a symbolic gesture of support for cash. According to social media images, many did. I was one of them. While the exact total amount withdrawn is unclear, from social media, it appears that many did participate. However, the Australian Banking Association (ABA) stated there was no "material difference" in cash withdrawals across the industry on the day. What does that mean exactly? I would like to see figures.

What Sparked "Cash Out Day"?

This movement stems from several factors:

Shifting Payment Habits: Cash now accounts for about 13% of customer payments in Australia, which is a dramatic fall from 60% in 2010.

Bank Policies: Branch closures have created obstacles for cash-reliant individuals and businesses.

Cost of cash: Many people today prefer cash; in many cases, it's cheaper and more manageable, and there are fewer security issues, too.

Banks: Banks make money on non-cash transactions. By closing branches, they are effectively discouraging cash deposits/withdrawals.

Cashless Aspirations: I think the government would prefer to eliminate cash. The Queensland government stated that it envisions a cashless state by 2030. 

Queensland cashless future

Arguments in Favor of Cash

"Cash Out Day" advocates cite these benefits:

Inclusivity: Cash requires no bank accounts or technology, making it accessible to all.

Budgeting: Physical money offers a tangible sense of spending.

Privacy: Cash transactions leave less of a digital footprint.

Reliability: Cash functions independently of power grids or internet connectivity. It still happens that EFTPOS goes out, so what do shops do when they switch to cash?



The Small Business Perspective

In Australia, it is legal for businesses to refuse to accept cash, provided that they inform consumers of their stance before entering into any “contract” for the supply of goods or services. If you want to reject cash, you must have a sign in a clear position in your shop saying that. Usually, it is placed at the front entrance.

Smaller retailers, especially those involved in markets or events, rely heavily on cash. My observations within my local newsagency network showed that while most owners knew about "Cash Out Day," its impact on their daily trade was minimal.

The Uncertain Future of Cash

The potential bankruptcy of Armaguard, Australia's major cash transportation company, further underscores the precarious position of physical currency. This raises concerns about the logistical and economic challenges of maintaining a cash infrastructure as usage decreases. 

The Role of POS Systems

A robust POS (Point of Sale) system becomes crucial for businesses in this evolving landscape. The right software seamlessly manages cash and digital payments, providing flexibility and detailed reporting while ensuring smooth, secure operations. A great POS system helps you manage it all!

The Bottom Line

"Cash Out Day" serves as a potent reminder that amidst the move towards a cashless society, the value proposition of cash persists. This debate centres on choice, accessibility, and the practical needs of businesses and consumers in an increasingly digital Australia.

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