We are headed to VANA Expo, stop by our stand 007

The POS Solutions team is excited to be headed to VANA Expo tomorrow for the 2016 Expo, and we hope to see you there! Before you head out the door, I have put together a list of helpful tips and ideas for things to do, so you can make the most of your time at the Expo.

How to find us

Stop by stand 007 (easy to remember think James Bond) to chat with our team.

Check Your Packing List

) Bring business cards as there will be opportunities to connect with people in the industry.

) Make sure your battery charged.

) Wear practical clothes and shoes as the Crown centre is huge and you could be walking on your feet all day.

) Come with a bag as you will need to have something to store the goodies.

Make the most of the discussions

There will be some interesting discusions that are worth listening too.