The end of laybys


Christmas is coming, it is less than two months away and I was talking to a few clients who do a lot of laybys, their laybys are down, way down on last year. 

I decided to check with google trends, as to what the Australian market thinks.

Layby vs afterpay over the past three years

It is clear that a market shift is underway.  The figure is even bigger for "Buy now, pay later" model as I could not include zip because zip is a common term used for other things so it is fair to say that this yellow line should be twice that height. 

I decided to just look at the layby by itself and got this.

Layby interest over 3 years

The green line is the trend and you will notice that it is straight down. 

How are your laybys doing? Believe me, if you are doing well with them you are an exception.

If you are counting on using laybys this year, I doubt there will not be much. The closer it gets to Christmas, the worse it is going to get as laybys need time to work and the time is running out.

Every store needs now a "Buy now, pay later" option, it does not need time, you can pick when you want to use it, you are under no obligation and it costs you nothing to have it. Plus these, in general, are very good customers to get.

Zip customer analysis


We have arranged a very good offer from Zip for our clients, which includes a good rate, marketing information and signs as an introductory with no obligation to try it out. I suggest you look into it. Click here  if you want more details.

Note the recent announcement from one of our competitors that they are going to offer zip and afterpay too as well as oxipay, confirms that their customers are reporting the same thing and have similar needs to our clients.


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