End of day procedures


For any organisation, an end of day procedures is a must-have if you handle cash and if you’re looking for a quick but detailed account of how well did on any given day, look no further.

What it does is help prevent mishandling of monies in your shop. It also promotes operational efficiency and ensures accurate reporting. This balancing {link was removed} should ideally take place at the end of each cashier's shift and a total at the end of each trading day.

What we suggest is that every cashier has their cash drawer. At the start of each shift, they count the float. At the end of the shift, you should print an X-Off and balance that with what is in the drawer. The closer it is done to the actual end of the shift the better.

To run an X-off go to the End of Day section in the cash register.

With this summary of sales what will get is the net sales, voids, paid ins/outs, taxes, your methods of payment and more.

Select on the end of day page choose the X-off option that is below the EOD option marked in green. Select the time the staff member assigned to the register started and the current time. You now run the report and then balance it.
