HWT note to DOS users in Victoria

The following letter is gong out to POS Solutions clients on DOS in Victoria today.

If you have any queries that you think can help you with please call me or Michael Varger on (03) 95977222

Dear Newsagent,

I refer you to previous correspondence outlining our requirements regarding the sending of home delivery customer data.

By June 30 this year, all newsagents with a HWT Territorial Distribution Agency Agreement are required to send a full customer list to HWT on a weekly basis by scheduling “automated file transfer” in their computer system. “Automated file transfer” means the ability for a newsagent to select an appropriate file from their computer and schedule it to transmit at the same day and time each week, without having to remember to manually do so.

As a current user of the POS Solutions “DOS” version of software, you can comply with the above requirement by selecting one of several choices;
1. Upgrade your software to the Windows-based “POS Browser”
2. Upgrade your software by moving to an alternative approved supplier’s product
3. Upgrade your current “DOS” version to the latest version which has “automated file transfer” functionality. Please note: To utilize this functionality your newsagency will need to have a broadband internet connection.

In regard to option 3. the automation function has now been developed and has been tested in selected newsagencies. Newsagents should update their software to this latest version by going to the POS Solutions website from Monday, April 28 and downloading version “36P”.

Easy Finance Offer
To assist you in the upgrade, HWT is willing to provide an interest-free loan to a maximum of $10,000 for the purchase of new software and hardware (if required). Should you wish to accept this offer, you will be required to repay the entire amount over the following 12-months via weekly debits on your HWT statement. This enables newsagents to upgrade their computer systems quickly without the cash flow issues that may normally be associated with such an expense. The HWT offer is however, contingent on the new software being installed and operational by June 30, 2008.

Don’t Delay
It is important that you take the necessary steps to upgrade as quickly as possible to ensure that you meet the June 30 deadline. This includes talking to your preferred software vendor about their ability to have the appropriate software installed in your newsagency by this date and whether there are any hardware requirements. I am obliged to inform you that failure to send through home delivery files to HWT each week in an automated manner from June 30, 2008 may result in HWT taking the appropriate action under the terms of our contract with your newsagency.

If you have any questions relating to these requirements or wish to receive the necessary paperwork for HWT’s easy-finance offer, please contact either myself, Mike Webster, David Ferriggi, or Brad Scouller in the Circulation Department.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Kaye