Off to the ANF 2007 Convention

I am off to the ANF conference this weekend.

I am looking forward to seeing the “Australian Outback Spectacular” and getting my RM Williams hat.

I have marked out some talks that will interesting me.

Mark Webster the National Circulation Director, News Ltd is worth a listen. At least he tells us what News Corp is planning and the issues that they see.

Andrew Griffiths who is a prolific writer! I looked at his resume and he has an impressive client file. I think the ANF have done well with the subject matter too. The problem with business plans is you can see the advantages for large organizations with tens of thousands of people as it puts everyone on the same path. But with smaller companies often it tell us what we already know. It seems like we end out filling in meaningless questions again and again and again.

If anyone is there and wants to talk to me about anything at all, then I certainly will make some time to see you.

I also hope I will get time at the conference to keep writing my blog which I am finding enjoyable to write.