Windows 10 what is happening

Now I would say that about 55% of our users have moved over to Windows 10. It was an offer too good to refuse as Microsoft offered the upgrade free and our software because we had prepared was Windows 10 compatible. So they could move over at no cost.

Unfortunately Microsoft free offer is no longer available, so please contact us if you want to upgrade to Windows 10 as in many cases, we can do something.

Our view, we want as many of our users onto Windows 10, it's a better operating system, faster and safer from many of these ransomware and virus floating around. In fact, we strongly recommend that no-one uses anything before Windows 7, for surfing the net. The other problem is that unless you get second-hand or refurbished computers and equipment, you will find it hard to get equipment to keep your current system up. As one person running our point of sale software on Windows 2000 discovered that now everything is Windows 10.

The other issue is that our users should on principle not run old and outdated equipment so our Windows 10 update is free.