User meeting Sydney April 2016

POS Solutions has always been engaged in continual development. This non-stop innovation and attention to details have placed us number one in our marketspace, making it the standard. To reflect our desire to strive for constant product innovation and excellent customer support, we regularly hold User Meetings. There our users can get a unique opportunity to share their ideas directly to our community, thus they participate in the growth and advancement of our software.

As such today we held a user meeting in Sydney. The meeting went very well today. We also arranged a link to our head office so many could talk to many of the developers interstate. At the meeting, we showed many of the new features and the coming up features of our software. People bounce ideas during the process and shared ideas. There were also a lot of questions most were answered immediately a few we will need to get back to people on.

Overall it was a very informative, practical and collaborative meeting, which allowed our users to provide constructive feedback on what issues were important to them.