Queensland starting to quiet down

In the last seven days almost half our Queensland newsagents have contacted us with problems. The worst of this flood occurred right in the middle of a POS Solutions area round Emerald in Queensland. Certainly nothing quiet here. It is only today that it has started to quiet down.

You really get a feel of just how important computers can be in a modern business. Much of the problem is compounded because many shops in the area are now on a skeleton staff as many people are finding it hard to get to work. So on top of the *normal* duties of a newsagency we now are getting calls on

People need to know how to cancel some rounds run and re-run rounds as only a few papers arrived.

Stop/start days for the papers and magazines need to be redone.

XChangeIT problems

Computer networks circuits have blown and they need to quickly fix it.

Subagent tickets need bulk credits as the papers have not been getting through due to the floods.

Clients need to urgently backup data manually something many have never done as our systems are automatically backup.

People want to know how to set up computers at home.

The retail sale scheduled for this week is cancelled because of the flood, so how do you put it off until next week?

Water got into the computer, and now they have the blue screen of death on the main computer, and also getting on another machine message disk boot failure insert system disk a press enter.