Warning if you use SMS messaging

What happened is a user of our software did not use the schedule and as such sent off an SMS to his client that a magazine had arrived in. This waked his client at a ridiculous hour in the morning. One of the staff members of the shop, a few hours later got an earful from the client.

Our client discussed this with us a few hours after that. I decided, firstly, to check whether our client had broken the law, and I believe that he had not (although I note here I am not lawyers) as the

ACMA states "...There are currently no requirements which dictate the timing for such alerts, as such it is not necessary that providers have systems in place to send the alerts at specific times. 
So unfortunately, if you wish to  receive usage alerts you may experience the alerts at inconvenient times...".

However, we all agreed that his client had a legitimate complaint and we decided to pass it on as a warning to others.

If you are using SMS messaging try sending it at a reasonable time, you may find this useful as a guide.