The End of the Windows XP???

Yesterday and this morning some XP computers reported issues.

Not unexpected as Microsoft has long since abandoned the XP system so leaving us with what the computer industry has called the XP-Apocalypse. Which stands expected of abundance of problems.

In this case, the problem did not come from the XP but from an old copy of. NET which came with XP. So updating. NET 3.5 solved the problem, although I do suggest that you do not do this for this reason unless something is wrong.

Interestingly the problem was not in the newer versions of XP but the older ones. It does, however, highlight the problems of running the old operating XP system.

The fact is the older the operating system the more vulnerable it is. Here is a chart from Kaspersky Lab that you can find here where I have highlighted the XP infection rates in green.

My advice to anyone running XP, who is using it on the Internet to start seriously considering moving to a newer operating system. If you insist on using XP, I suggest that you make sure your antivirus program is up to date. Unfortunately the Microsoft product MSE which is a very good product is no longer supported on XP, so I recommend now AVAST on XP. It is fast and has a top-notch detection capability. Recently, I have heard that the free Qihoo 360 Total Security is better, but I am reluctant to recommend something that three of the widely respected anti-virus testing companies - AV Test, AV-Comparatives and Virus Bulletin have stripped from their test results. When they get their ratings back with these companies, I will give you a report.

Furthermore, do not use Internet Explorer but switch to a better and more secure, web browser like Google Chrome, although Mozilla Firefox and Opera are solid alternatives too.