A review of Loyalty programs in Australia today


The latest copy of the most highly regarded review of Australian loyalty programs is now out. If you do not want to pay for it, I suggest that you grab a copy of the executive summary which is free and well worth a read for a retailer.

Overall what it shows is that loyalty marketing is fast growing in Australia in acceptance. Far as some have suggested that Australians are getting tired of it, the reality is that it is growing at a massive rate.



Today the average Australian is more involved is retail loyalty programs then ever before (5% up), and the number that they are active membership has grown by 10% from 2016 to 2017.


Not only that but most Australians now accept the need for loyalty programs.


At 64%, its almost something that is required by a modern business.

I think once you read this report, you will see that a modern shop should have a proper loyalty program, not just a simple but what ends out as a very expensive discount voucher system that so many use.

Our users are very lucky as our point of sale software has an extensive loyalty program system inbuilt which can handle one shop or hundreds of shops several large chains such as Nextra and Lucky Charm use it exclusively for there loyalty programs.

While you are reading this report, what I also do suggest that you grab a copy here which is also well worth a read too.