This blog is going on holidays!

I will be having a break for three weeks going off to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. I am spending one week in each of them. Hitting the seaside, leaving my usual daily routine and checking out the sites. It’s gonna be an exciting three weeks of relaxation, everything is hopefully be smooth and perfect

and I will be back at the end of January. Recharged to give you more tips to help you make the most of your system and keep you up to date with what is happening in the industry.

I will be as usual updating you but do not expect daily posting. I will be monitoring my emails but only haphazard. I have been told that Vietnam is Internet friendly but Laos and Cambodia are not. Still I will do my best.

In the meantime, you can browse through older posts by using the ‘search’ button, checking the archives.

If you wish me to discuss some issues, please feel free to send us your ideas for topics you’d like to see as posts for 2015.

POS Solutions will be open as usual. We work 24x7.

I will see you next year!