Smart retailers advantage on the weather

This recent cold and wet wave sweeping across Australia shows how smart retailers are taking advantage of this weather. For example, one of my clients has prepared a stand for when it is cold and another stand when it rains. When it is cold or wet, the respective stand goes straight go straight to the front. He also checks his drink fridge, not surprising as I have seen figures of 200% increase in drink sales during a heat wave.

Also he checks does he have enough drinks? Not surprisingly as I have seen figures of 200% increase in drink sales during a heat wave. It is easy to create a list of products based on the weather, all you need to do is check the days that were unusually hot, cold, wet, etc. from the bureau of meteorology site here.

Next use a sales report from our system to see what sold well on those days. Now create a list for a hot, cold or wet day.

Now regularly monitor the 14-day forecasts for your area, these long-range forecasts now have reasonable accuracies.

What you need then to do is make sure you are prepared for these coming sales window.

It is clearly important for retailers to pay attention to the weather.