Scenes from the GNS market fair in Vic today

Newsagency GNS Show 2011

Over the years, this show in Melbourne is changing from a market day to a more tradiental show. It is an extremely good place for newsagents to meet the top people in their supplier organisations, see a fair section of the range and discuss any issues. Unfortunately it is becoming less a place to buy stock.

Today was as expected fairly quiet being Saturday. Tomorrow, it is when the show is expected to be busy. With the ANF conference starting Monday, it is expected that many people from interstate will be there too.

Our stand was continually busy. What interested our visitors the most was the new help system we have developed for our software which integrates our documentation. We certainly are proud how powerful our help systems has become. All that documentation we have written has really paid off.

Newsagency GNS Show 2011