XChangeIT support what do people think?

Over 2011, XChangeIT has had a very rocky road. On one hand, they have improved their offering with IPS on the other hand they have definitely had major problems. To be fair, many of these problems are not XChangeIT problems, they are actually the magazine suppliers they service. XChangeIT just happens to be the public face.

This is a graph of the percentage of XChangeIT support calls in 2011 compared to all support calls.

XChangeIT calls compared to all calls

As you can see what would really annoys us is when XChangeIT has problems many have problems and so our support lines gets hammered. The other issue is often the way they do support. This causes, I think justifiable criticism by its users.

So what do our users who use it, think of XChangeIT support? Here is a graph of our users' views.

XChangeIT views

As you can see the majority of our users do seem to think that XChangeIT support is adequate or better, although clearly, there is some level of dissatisfaction.