Editors need to tune in to readership frequency



I was reading this article here . His conclusion was

It is not so much that fewer people are reading newspapers, although this is true - the National Readership Survey suggests that the percentage of adults who read a national daily newspaper has fallen by 2% over the last 18 months. What is actually falling faster is the number of times in a week that people read their newspaper - this has slipped by 3.5% over the same 18-month period. It is reading frequency which is more sensitive to erosion when the economy turns sour. People do not necessarily kick their newspaper habit; they just rein it in.

It sounds quite implausible to me.

Here is a chart based on figures given to me by News Corp for readership in Australia. The chart starts since mid 2006. It is a bit small but if you click it you can see it clearly. If anything the readership is slightly up in this period.

[Update 6/9/2018 Chart no longer available]

I also decided to do a long-term chart again using News Corp figures since 1992.

[Update 6/9/2018 Chart no longer available]

As you can see the readership that some of the big and small ones are down but some of the middle ones are up overall it has been fairly constant in the last 15 years. Although possibly the growing population in Australia has helped keep it that way.

My conclusion is whatever is happening in the UK with readership is not happening here.