A tip on handling stock

Today much of the information in your point-of-sale system is imported; much of it is wrong because of supplier's errors. In fact, it is estimated that currently about 13% of all shop theft is caused by suppliers much of it caused by faulty data.

The other issue is that over time, much of the information in the point of sale becomes less relevant or correct as people are always changing so trying to make the shop better. What I will show you here is how to quickly and extremely efficiently modify your existing stock details.

Let say, for example, that you wish to make an electronic gaming section in the gift departments by putting some of your stock items together in a separate group.

I go to stock editing marked with a green arrow.


Now for this example, I am going to use the stock description marked with a green arrow, but as you can see, I could use dissection, family, active status, barcodes, locations, etc.

Since I am making an electronic gaming section, I put in here xbox and press find.

I then add in another electronic game halo, and press find again.

I keep going until I have all the stock I require.

Now I press Stock Edit, and you can see that the stock titles are listed here, where the green arrow is, well not all of them; I want to move so I simply highlight the ones I require see red arrow and where the blue arrow is put in the dissection I require, here it is GIFTS -GF. Then press to update.

It will then move them into that dissection.

This of course is only the start with the power of this section, which is a terrific time saver. I suggest you have a look at this section as it can save you heaps of time.